• There are some things even Meryl Streep can’t do. Rescuing this flaccid film is one of them.

  • Rohini Nair
    Rohini Nair
    Deccan Chronicle


    Ricki and the Flash is let down by a schmaltzy, too-pat climax. Most of the final sequence feels almost forced — like the director and the writer had to check certain boxes: 1. Emotional redemption for Ricki and her children, check. 2. Pair everybody off happily with partner, check. 3. Ensure Ricki ‘saves’ the day and gets to be the heroine, check.

  • Ricki and The Flash is a scattered film. You enjoy it in bits and pieces but as a whole it turns out too corny to be true. Streep tries best to save this film with her effortless performance but lacks a little grit.

  • Streep is the only element worth watching the film for, but there’s only so much of ‘Streep pretending to be a failed rocker’ one can take.

  • IANS
    Zee News


    With decent production values captured by Declan Quinn’s dynamic cinematography, the film is worth a watch.