• Rachit Gupta
    Rachit Gupta


    So are the Turtles boring? Hell no! They’re still as cool as ever. It’s just that their adventures have become pointless. They’re fighting portals spitting hostile aliens, martial arts clans out to change organised crime, stuff that The Avengers and Batman have already done. In IMAX 3D too. Poor Turtles look like they crawled out from under a giant rock.

  • With the Transformers and now the Turtles movies it’s clear that Bay expect kids to be stupid and is okay with feeding them unhealthy entertainment in the name of fun. If you have kids and want to show them a genuinely great kids film that nourishes their IQ instead of depleting it, make them watch The Little Prince. Until then let’s just pray the filmmakers are not trying to do a Transformers-Turtles crossover film.

  • I really wanted to enjoy TMNT Out of The Shadows and reminisce those school-day afternoons spent watching the heroes-in-a-half shell on television. But alas, with no turtle power, the best and most authentic part about this sequel is its animated end credits.