• Handsomely mounted, but ultimately too safe in its reconstruction of deeply complex events, this film runs but never flies. I’m going with two-and-a-half out of five for The Fifth Estate. Watch it for Cumberbatch’s appropriately creepy performance as Assange.

  • Khalid Mohamed
    Khalid Mohamed
    Deccan Chronicle


    …you’re subjected to one quick scene after quicker scene, jumping around like a mob of kangaroos.
    Result: you come out blank.

  • Anupama Chopra
    Anupama Chopra


    …the story is so compelling and the questions it raises are so urgent.The Fifth Estate is an opportunity lost.

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    On key issues, the film doesn’t really know what stand to take. Since the book is biased against Assange, it projects him as a very self centered, selfish guy. And because Daniel has written the book, he gets as much screen time and his character comes off far more polished and clear. There are moments when Assange is shown as a crusader with a vision but at the end of it all, there is no clear picture.