• There’s a generous dose of fiction thrown in but for the most part, ​​War Dogs serves up some pretty kick ass entertainment.

  • Devarsi Ghosh
    Devarsi Ghosh
    India Today


    War Dogs is a film about two twenty-something men who do terrible things for a living. Besides echoing the Scorsese rise-and-fall story, the film is reminiscent of The Social Network – a more layered film about the moral corruption of twenty-somethings trying to win the world. Is there redemption? No.

  • Rachit Gupta
    Rachit Gupta


    War Dogs is not some serious war movie plotting an expose on world politics. It’s a light-hearted comedy that makes good use of classic guy material. There’s loads of guns, money, cocaine, weed, fast cars and popular music (background score) on offer here. It’s the perfect flavour of Pineapple Express.