• Neil Soans
    Neil Soans
    Times Of India


    Sadly, the film holds back from completely committing to that direction and ends up being yet another generic Christmas flick. Watch this only if you’ve exhausted all the other choices out there.

  • …aside from some inspired portions, “A Bad Moms Christmas” feels formulaic and safe, and never as over-the-top as this kind of sequel needs to be. These moms may be bad, but they needed to be ‘badder’ for this film to truly fly.

  • IANS


    Every Christmas, there is a film that eulogises the merits of the festival as a family affair, and this year it is, A Bad Moms Christmas, that does the needful with flair. A sequel to last year’s Bad Moms, this one, with its raunchy comedy that would definitely make Santa and all of us blush to the rosiest of pinks.

  • Shalini Langer
    Shalini Langer
    Indian Express


    While promising to be a film about how much pressure mothers bring upon themselves over hosting the perfect Christmas for the family, it ends up about resolving mother-daughter conflicts through some very cliched characters.

  • Rashid Irani
    Rashid Irani
    Hindustan Times


    A Bad Moms Christmas is a vile film. It’s a shameful low in the careers of Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and Kathryn Hahn, three supremely likable actors that are radiant in nearly everything else they’ve ever done. But fortunately, this is the last time either of us will be discussing it.