• Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    The thing about Blomkamp is that he always throws interesting ideas. Even though Chappie has a very Robocop like base to its story (with a bit of Transcendence thrown in), yet when I walked out of the theatre after two hours, there was a feeling of satisfaction.

  • Piyush Chopra
    Piyush Chopra


    Chappie is a film with a big idea at its center, but is let down by some insipid writing and haphazard execution. Sharlto Copley as Chappie manages to keep you seated till the end with his heartfelt performance, but that isn’t quite enough compensation. This is one misfire that Neill Blomkamp would love to forget and quickly move onto his next project, the new film in the Alien franchise.

  • Shalini Langer
    Shalini Langer
    Indian Express


    Charming and absolutely tragic…

  • It’s derivative and not particularly fun. Hardly the best way to spend two hours on a lazy weekend.

  • Bryan Durham
    Bryan Durham
    DNA India


    If you choose to watch this film, do so for the mad, mad, mad antics of Ninja. Dev and Hugh are too thinly drawn here to merit a criticism. Copley plays Chappie with heart. And when you start watching a film and use your brains, it helps to have a character like his. Really wish I liked this film more, but I don’t.

  • Uday Bhatia
    Uday Bhatia


    Neill Blomkamp’s latest is about thinking robots and unthinking humans…

  • ‘Chappie’ asks some pretty solid questions, while delivering the action spectacle as well. If you enjoy action-packed, crazy cinema with a dash of brains, you can do a lot worse than ‘Chappie’.

  • Jyoti Sharma Bawa
    Jyoti Sharma Bawa
    Hindustan Times


    The film borrows heavily from RoboCop and AI Artificial Intelligence but lacks that touch which made these films human and real. In one word, what the film lacks is heart.

  • Ambarish Ganesh
    Ambarish Ganesh


    Definitely could have done better with a little more fun and humor, but either way it was still a great watch. I loved it and I have my own reasons no matter what the others say, especially the recognized critics. So, I suggest to go and find it out for yourself because, “I am consciousness, I’m Chappie”

  • As a movie, Chappie is slightly bonkers (Jackman in cargo shorts, humans babying a robot, Copley’s voice intonations for his character, etc), but delightfully so.