Free Birds Reviews and Ratings

…has a couple of laughs and if you don’t think too much, you might not even find it predictable
Free Birds is quite forgettable and generic for your liking. If your kid still insists, let him or her watch it. Meanwhile, you can dream of a scrumptious meal, while taking a short nap in the theatre.
Strictly for kids, Free Birds lacks the wit or technical brilliance of other films of its genre.
The 3D is totally ineffective and this norm of releasing every animation film in that format doesn’t really give the audience their moneys worth. On the whole, this one is passable.
The film also zips past its runtime in trying to keep things fresh but it fails to escape its clichés. At times it tries to drill in a social message and it fails miserably there as well. The only place where the film actually succeeds is making you wish it ends sooner. That’s sad, considering the talent involved.
This 91-minute of satire on a Western tradition has cute caricatures, a weak story and closely resembles “Chicken Run.” In spite of a great premise, the film fails to cast a spell.