• These inspired moments then are few and far between in this lazily scripted film that leaves you bored and searching for the nearest exit. I’m going with two out of five for ‘Ghanchakkar’. The money is found in the end, but that’s 2 hours and 17 minutes of your life that you’ll never see again!

  • Shubhra Gupta
    Shubhra Gupta
    Indian Express


    This could have been a hoot, but the execution lets down the premise, and the film remains one of those that could have been edgier and funnier.

  • Raja Sen
    Raja Sen


    I was loving this film till it turned the tables and cheated me.

    Maybe, like the television-addicted Sanju, we’re all better off watching these films on Zee Cinema. At least we can change channels or fall asleep midway.

  • On the whole, GHANCHAKKAR has splendid performances by its principal cast, but the bland and tedious narrative plays spoilsport. This one disheartens!

  • Karan Anshuman
    Karan Anshuman
    Mumbai Mirror


    Ghanchakkar is all very well as it flags off, but it’s mostly downhill after it hits its high point in the first fifteen minutes.