
Movie Info
Gravity is a 2013 thriller 3-D film co-written, co-produced, co-edited and directed by Alfonso Cuarón. The film stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as surviving astronauts in a damaged space shuttle.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Gravity Reviews
For all its slick technical wizardry, Gravity is about hope and courage and the will to come out alive. To best enjoy it, go in with patience and an open mind. I’m going with four-and-a-half out of five.
Filmed wondrously by Cuaron's longtime cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki, with an accent on black, silver and indigo textures, Gravity restores our faith in today's Hollywood cinema. Miss it at your own risk.
As the film unfolds and if you jolt yourself out off the captivating narrative you will realise that you are 17 minutes into the film and you have been watching a single take so brilliantly orchestrated that for a moment you wouldn’t be wrong in saying that this is the greatest choreography of actors, camera, lightning, camerawork, VFX all being conducted in absolute sync with the vision of the director.
There are films and then there's Gravity. For an edge-of-the-seat-rollercoaster-ride experience, watch it only in IMAX 3D.
Gravity sets a new bench mark in film making. One step ahead of James Cameron’s Avatar, it breaks new ground not just visually but also in terms of storytelling. Watch it in 3D and be mind blown!
Technically this film is a masterpiece. It uses the 3D format in the way it's meant to be used. Alfonso Cuaron takes you far, far away from earth and succeeds in bringing to the screen exactly what he imagined. He makes sure the film flows naturally and all that the actors need to do is convey the message through their characters.
Gravity is a film that reminds you what the magic of the movies is all about. It makes you fall in love with cinema all over again.
It is only once in a blue moon that you get to see a film that uses technology and story telling to such great effect and great is not word one would like to use loosely. Right from the first scene to the absolute last, Gravity keeps you spell-bound and it is a triumph for director Alfonso Cuaron who already has a few impressive films in his C.V.
Apart from using groundbreaking technology like an LED box that’d change filmmaking as we know it, Gravity has a ‘believable’ disaster plot and a heroine who is quite different from the stock scream queens that you expect from Hollywood.All flaws of Gravity become infinitely smaller the bigger the screen you watch it on. In IMAX the film is perfect, utterly faultless.
There aren’t too many perfect films that get made, but Gravity is one of them. Don’t miss it.
A masterfully-directed, eerie sci-fi thriller that transports you to and from space.
This is a layered film, which will hold your attention through every second. There are just two principle characters after the first 10 minutes, actually just one for the majority of the rest of the narrative, but Cuaron uses space and time with such skill that his imagination is to be seen to be believed.
Audience Reviews for Gravity
Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, this is masterfully directed and visually stunning movie and a tense sci-fi thriller. Gravity is the closest we will ever get to the real deal. We've seen films set in outer space before, but nothing has ever felt this real.
2June 04, 14 -
Gravity is Life Of Pi of 2013. It's a story of survival, courage and human fighting spirit in the endless darkness of space. Like Life of Pi, 3D and CGI here are not just to make more money. The state of the art technology is being used as the storytelling tool and to make your experience immersive. Every frame is picture perfect and the excellent use of background score, camera work, acting and dialogs make most of the scenes memorable. Sandra Bullock as the central character does the astounding job and George Clooney provides the much needed lightness to the otherwise tense plot. There are numerous scenes which will stay with you especially the ones where our helpless characters struggling to stabilize in the gravity free world of space. It's not a perfection of story telling rather it is the perfection of cinematic techniques that make Gravity extraordinary.
1October 11, 13 -
For all the critics this movie is just a regular survival movie but with its effects it just opened a new platform for movies.
Really enjoyed myself in imax 3d feel great with those superb effects.0December 05, 16