Hotel Transylvania 2 Reviews and Ratings
There are two running gags in Hotel Transylvania 2, and both are not directed at the children. One deals with overprotective parents, the other with over political correctness.
Hotel Transylvania 2, is about the need for open mindedness in life and love, in its entirety is a feel good and fun film which is neither ghoulish nor overtly comical, where the message is simply lost.
There’s so much waxing and waning that you just can’t hold tight to the good things. The climax is also quite chaotic and repelling-especially since it suggests there’s a no 3 on the way… certainly, that’s not something we want to go through again?
It’s hard to recommend Hotel Transylvania 2 to moviegoers who don’t have children in tow. This one is only for the little ones.