I, Frankenstein

Movie Info
I, Frankenstein is an upcoming 2014 Australian-American fantasy action film written based on the graphic novel and original screenplay by Kevin Grevioux. Two hundred years after his shocking creation, Dr. Frankenstein's creature, Adam, still walks the earth. But when he finds himself in the middle of a war over the fate of humanity, Adam discovers he holds the key that could destroy humankind.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
I, Frankenstein Reviews
The story of Frankenstein's monster has had many incarnations on screen, but perhaps none as clunky as I, Frankenstein, in which the stitched-up soulless creature is presented as a superhero of sorts...It's silly beyond belief; doesn't deserve your time.
If you want to eat that popcorn and enjoy a horror fantasy, go for it. But if you want to revisit the legend of Frankenstein, watch the 1931 classic again.
There is a certain lethargy that sets in early on in the film. You can predict the entire plot 10 minutes into the opening scene. Also Frankenstein has always been someone with a deep dark brooding sense of humor that is missing here. The fight sequences and big moments seem heavily inspired and borrowed from recent super hero flicks. Trying to hard to fit into either the horror or thriller genre the film fails on retaining our interest as we drag ourselves into a tedious second half.
Dull and dreary, this Frankenstein will put you to sleep in your seats and make Mary Shelly squirm in her grave.
The issue is; every action sequence after a while seems staged like a long drawn video game. The fights are filmed in a monotonous manner, thereby tending to be ineffective and boring. And, honestly, over a period of time the entire experience sedates you, forcing your mind to switch off.
Oh boy. Here it is. The first big stinker of 2014. From the bottomless depths of Hollywood. Served right up in the compost pit of movie releases — the dreaded January season. It’s called I Frankenstein and it is a train wreck from start to finish...If the filmmakers had gone the whole hog and cast Govinda as Frankenstein, it could certainly have been a more entertaining movie.
The disinterest that this film created was most appalling, so much so that the lead actor himself didn’t seem too intent on delivering a performance to remember in the film, something that he did not go through with all his heart. The film is based on Kevin Grevioux’s graphic novel by the same name that was in turn based on Mary Shelley’s story on Frankenstein. Perhaps, it simply just lost out on the execution part of it. So tragic.
‘I, Frankenstein’ holds little or no enjoyment and only those who might, just might, enjoy this sort of stuff are the ones who can’t get enough of the Underworld series or that god-awful Hugh Jackman train wreck, ‘Van Helsing’.