Kaaki Sattai Reviews and Ratings

The screen image of the lead actor isn’t really the problem in ‘Kaaki Sattai’ but with the screenplay itself. Having bitten into Siva’s performance as Mathimaaran, it would be unfair to say Siva isn’t capable of rising amid insensibility. He has ten other Mathimaarans in him, only if R. S. Durai Senthilkumar had pulled the correct rabbit out of the hat, ‘Kaaki Sattai’ would have been the film Siva could have told in his later years that this changed his stamp as an actor.
Our Bond’s exploits are liberally punctuated (they have to, for this is India) by songs and dances that take place not on Chennai roads but in some of the most scenic spots on earth, making one wonder how much of the budget went into this dopey extravaganza. This is not all; there is so much of silliness and tomfoolery that Kakki Sattai begins to hang heavy on time.
The problem with ‘Kaaki Sattai’, despite the glowing outline, is that the concept of organ trading lacks much novelty. Thus, some of the content can be a bit contrived and seemed to have been introduced for the sake of giving your cop-next-door, something to do. Still, given Sivakarthikeyan’s performance and all the laughs that ensue, the movie has its own moments.
A decently paced, well scripted film with plenty of humour and great music makes Sivakarthikeyan’s Kaaki Sattai worth a watch…
At one point in the film, we are shown that the villain uses a mathematical formula in his operation. It is only in the end, we realize that it is not just the villain but the film’s director as well who has succumbed to formula.
When you see “Kaaki Sattai” a film where a hardcore entertainer dons khaki for the first time, I think it works very well.
Watch this film if you’re in a mood to see a well-shot film, with an actor who projects (or, rather projected) himself as a larger-than-life hero. Playing the role of a mass hero is not the problem here, but projecting oneself with unbelievable scenarios in an already recycled script is a big drawback. Sivakarthikeyan looks dapper, his face looks bright, beaming with positivity and confidence. If only he paid attention to the script of the film, the same way he took care of his demeanour.
Though the movie is engaging for most part, it takes the same old route that has been travelled many times by the yesteryear ‘mass’ heroes of Kollywood. Yes, it does offers rib tickling humors and takes us to some never seen locales, but at the end, it makes us feel that we have not tasted anything newer than a regular meal with a new plate.
Despite these flaws, the movie is a must-watch for Sivakarthikeyan. He has excelled in the role of Mathimaran and carries the film on his shoulders. The actor is always a delight to watch on screen and this movie shows that he can play diverse roles. The movie has gotten off to a good start at the box office and this shows that Sivakarthikeyan is going to have a great 2015! It also looks like Wunderbar Productions have a winner on their hands.
Kakki Sattai is a crowd-pleaser that knows exactly who its audience is.
As overlong, utterly generic, badly written, indifferently made action-comedy star vehicles propelled by Anirudh’s growling guitar riffs go, Kaaki Sattai is as disposable as they come. The laughs aren’t great. The romance is perfunctory — you could use the word also for the drama and the attempts at punch lines. The big action sequences look odd because they are choreographed with a mega-star in mind and on screen, we see Sivakarthikeyan.
Apart from Sivakarthikeyan and Anirudh’s music, Kaaki Sattai doesn’t provide anything extra ordinary. It can be termed as old wine in new bottle with too much of fun elements for a cop story.
Siva Karthikeyan entertains, but the story’s handling could have been better…
Durai Senthilkumar made an impression with his debut Ethir Neechal.The comedy particularly clicked. It was a down to earth film for the most part that turned cinematic only towards the end.But the stakes are different for Kaaki Sattai. Both for him and the hero.