Room Reviews and Ratings

It’s not the most pleasant story to watch, but it’s a powerful, unsettling experience that you won’t forget anytime soon.
The first part of Room ends with Jack’s flight — almost too quickly. The rest, dealing with their life in the world outside, is more predictable, more practical.
Room is timeless. It will live forever, and in its immortality, it will continue to inspire generations after we are all gone. It is one of the best films of the new millennium and after its two transcendent hours, you emerge a changed person, one who has a new appreciation for the tiny miracles of life that are usually ignored. Room is an ephemeral moment in time and I will always remember it with fondness because there’s no way in hell I’m watching it again.
Room is a captivating story that seems to grow inside you every time you watch it and it makes you relish those fine sensations that you take for granted all the time.
…this is a beautiful tale of a mother’s love for her child, selfless and pure. Joy will do anything – and she does indeed – to ensure the well being of her charge. And yet, their existence is curiously symbiotic. Very few movies are able to touch upon the bond between a mother and child with such tender grace, set in contemporary times.
This is definitely not an easy watch. The suspense is simply put, unbearable. Once you are immersed in the experience you wish you could stop it somehow but you feel so imprisoned by the realism that you just can’t get out even if you want to.
A big credit for that goes to Abrahamson for being able to direct a child actor in such a movie and extracting such a performance without being able to inform the actor the disturbing aspects of the story. If you haven’t gathered already, Room is a must watch.
Room is not for the faint of heart. The film is a brutally honest look at trauma and its effects on family and relationships. It takes on a difficult topic with enough grit to keep it effective, but enough sensitivity to evoke sympathy. If you’re looking for a powerful, gut-wrenching film to watch, don’t miss this one.
Room is a superbly made movie about the bleakness that accompanies the loss of childhood.
‘Room’ is a prison drama unlike few others…
Room may be a film about entrapment, but it’s also one about liberation, about letting go of one’s fears and moving on from trauma.
At one point Jack asks to be shorn of the hair he has been cultivating since infancy. It’s a revelatory, transformative moment in a film you won’t find nearly so easy to say goodbye to.