• With a lame story, uneven performances, offensive dialogue, and storytelling that barely holds your attention, this one is best avoided!

  • The film starts as an arresting concept, but that sadly hasn’t been realized to its potential.

  • Holiday is a remake of Murugadoss’s 2012 Tamil hit Thuppakki, which I hear was fairly watchable. What happened then? Did Murugadoss try to Bollywoodise the perfectly fine story? Reminds one of that phrase—“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’

  • You can watch the film for the visual chutzpah, a sprinkling of interesting behind-the-scenes moments, and the intermittent unintentional laugh. But honestly, enduring the rest of the film for that, is a stretch.

  • The film ends with (believe it or not) synchronized dancing. Yes, it’s that kind of a movie. But the film is not a total let-down. It has an interesting protagonist, an arresting story (sadly told in a simplistic fashion), and some effective moments. The gripe is this could have been a far, far better film. Too bad, really.

  • Neither a biting enough political satire, nor a moving drama— Dekh Tamasha Dekh hangs precariously in-between. You understand the intention, you even connect with a few scenes, but overall the film is dismal. Avoidable.

  • So what you get in the end is a gorgeous looking, muddled film that leaves you unmoved. But isn’t that the most important thing?

  • I guess anything goes in a David Dhawan movie. Which is disappointing. Our movies and audience are making an attempt to evolve, but some filmmakers are insistent on rehashing the same old formula with new actors. Watch it if you don’t mind being served old wine in a glitzy new bottle.

  • The least one expected was a new perspective. As a character in the films says –‘It is poetic’. Sadly the film is not. Avoid.
    The convoluted second half makes sure the viewer is completely disconnected, with the finale twist being the only interesting aspect.

  • With none of the charm of the original, the film will certainly infuriate those who’ve seen it. Even for those who haven’t, the only draw would remain the story about ghosts and their struggle to retain their home. But with unforgivably clumsy execution and mostly awful acting, one would recommend you rent out the original.

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