10 Cloverfield Lane

Movie Info
Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
10 Cloverfield Lane Reviews
A SORT-OF sequel to J J Abrams’s found-footage 2008 hit Cloverfield, the film steers clear of it but for the name. In reality, it is a much, much cleverer take on the horror-film, end-of-the-world genre where what lies outside is as dangerous as what is brewing within. And comes just before this summer’s blockbusters get ready to hit us.
Cloverfield – the original – is a personal favourite, as is last year’s Room. So 10 Cloverfield Lane, at least on paper, sounds almost too good to be true. But it sure comes close. With its perfectly timed twists, equally captivating silences, engrossing performances, and a sense of foreboding mystery that is stretched to breaking point, it succeeds.
The film’s greatest accomplishment — notwithstanding its superfluous, sequel-inducing epilogue — is the remarkable consistency of tone (director Dan Trachtenberg) with which it is constructed. It sustains a slowburn gloom throughout its considerable runtime, through its characters’ schemes, their counters, tender filial recollections, the first signs of Stockholm Syndrome, of faith, and then, the discoveries of murder, moments of violence and ultimately, the film’s renovation into a new genre.
The camerawork perfectly captures their closed surroundings, with tight angles, thereby accentuating dramatic tension. Winstead's performance is also amazing, evoking both empathy and intensity with equal ease. Don't miss this gem of a thriller.
The performances hold you captive. This one is reminiscent of Misery in a good way. Don't miss it.
The psychological suggestiveness and the tension are quite high. The narrative manages to keep you guessing and at the edge for most of its runtime. The ending in fact raises more questions than the film can answer! So are we in for another sequel? You guessed it!
...the movie does teach a lesson, which is that monsters come in many forms. Goodman delivers a brilliant performance, playing his good guy/bad guy part perfectly. While the story revolves around the character of Winstead, it is Stambler who steals the show, mainly due to his impulsive characterization and shifty intentions. Even with minimal set and visual effects, the movie captures a lot more than most other films of the same genre.
The film grips you from the get go and in his directorial debut Dan Trachtenberg has kept a tight rein on the proceedings. By focussing on three people in an enclosed space, he gives the grand disaster movie imagery a miss, which works well as we are imagining all manner of horrid things.
The suspense is built around the possibility of escape and the threat of what lies beyond and, worse still, within the sealed-off bunker. The climax is a bizarre and hard-to-swallow genre-shift with some plot points left frustratingly unresolved.
These days, you can pretty much glean the entire plot of a movie from its trailer. Which is why it's rare to watch a film that keeps you guessing.And your pulse racing.
Audience Reviews for 10 Cloverfield Lane
Cloverfield being a good hit, I was eager to watch thriller 10 Cloverfield Lane. The movie was good at the beginning but lost its path under the ground where the cast was situated. There was very less of horror and no mystery. The movie was somewhat predictable however the cast tried to manage the act. I didn't like the plot of the film and neither the cinematography. There were very less dialogues and I was in a thinking that I was watching a silent movie. The trailer was promising but the movie disappointed me. The critics liked the movie for its twisted plot, however I think it was predictable and there was no twist in the movie. I wasn't thinking the movie to be loose. I would give 2/5 for this movie.
1December 24, 16 -
A thrill ride from start to finish.
1May 29, 16 -
10 CLOVERFIELD LANE is a Sci-Fi Psychological thriller directed by debutante Dan Trachtenberg. This is a self contained spine chilling thriller movie, the tension built up excellently and big appreciation goes to the director who has done a marvelous job.Coming to the performances Mary Elizabeth Winstead's acting is great and even her character is perfectly fleshed out. John Goodman is the show stealer of the movie, he is creepy and his character is so ambiguous which raises many questions in our head. This movie is perfectly directed with great intensified scenes and the other great thing about this movie is it's ambiguity.This movie leaves you thinking after the end of the film, many people had problems with the movie at climax but i didn't because some times people have to ruminate the film to understand why the film maker did that way. The whole movie happens in the perspective of Mary Elizabeth Winstead. I had tiny problems with the movie like i felt that the movie could have another thrilling scene and the character decision of John Gallagher, Jr. at the end of film made me think "Whaaat!"On the whole 10 Cloverfield Lane is an excellent movie and it's a must watch movie.
4April 29, 16