• Although less surefooted when the drama moves to land, the film benefits from brisk pacing, and from Howard’s skill at finding stories of human conflict in big spectacle productions. It’s a horror story of a different kind.

  • Rohan Naahar
    Rohan Naahar
    Hindustan Times


    In the Heart of the Sea works as a survival drama, a rip-roaring adventure and even a monster movie, but what it really accomplishes, like Interstellar, is to remind us that once upon a time, humanity was unflinching in its thirst for discovery.

  • …this is definitely a gripping tale that’s worth watching.

  • There are portions in this film which keep you completely engrossed and involved and there are those that remain listless , as though unanchored to a steady rhythm or pace. Despite the great adventure at the centre of it all, there’s not much awe, surprise or suspense to be had here. And it’s all to do with the inconsistent scripting and helming. While effects are top notch and visually appealing there’s very little thrill in the experience. And that for an adventure/disaster movie is a great dampener.

  • IANS
    Zee News


    Don’t miss the trials and tribulations of these seamen. This film is definitely worth a watch.

  • FullyHyd Team
    FullyHyd Team
    Fully Hyderabad


    Historical inaccuracies aren’t new or undesirable to Ron Howard (A Beautiful Mind is a bare shadow of Slyvia Nasser’s book). His strengths usually lie in bending real incidents to suit his drama requirements. If he’d stuck just to thrills or just to drama, the film would have been greatly satisfying. However, he attempts more here and ends up with less. A pity.