Insidious: The Last Key Reviews and Ratings

Alas! Another shot of a terrifying experience lost in the dark dungeons of repetitive Hollywood horror genre.
‘Insidious: The Last Key’ fails to live up to ‘Insidious’ franchise’s high standards, you can watch it only if you are a fan of horror films in general and looking for some thrills. The ardent fans of the franchise will be disappointed.
…the most cliched and inconsequentially descriptive film of the lot. In the end, it simply exhausts you more than scaring the living daylights out of you and that isn’t a good sign.
Lin Shaye is good with her presence and as we all know she has been the best part of this franchise since the first installment.
The performances are purely functional, with the veteran Lin Shayegrimacing really hard to convey intensity. The rest of the cast doesn’t even try. The only serious aspect of this fatigued horror film is the cinematography by Toby Oliver which is sinister and sleek, suffused in dark dystopian hues that the films’s mood and tenor just cannot watch.
Final installment in this horror series is frightening in a satisfyingly creepy way…
Overall, what starts off as an intriguing film ends up as an insipid horror tale that leaves no impact.
Ultimately, the movie stays true to the franchise roots and refuses to make logical sense, but powered by Jason Blum’s genius production and marketing strategies, Lin Shaye’s performance and an execution that isn’t as bad as Friday The 13th The Final Chapter or The Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master or The Return Of Michael Myers, it ensures that you are in for a decently good time at the movies.