• Culminating in an overlong, bloated climax of mass destruction, not unlike the ‘Transformers’ movies, ‘Jurassic World’ frankly delivers enough bang for your buck. Sure, I’d have liked to see more ‘implied danger’. Remember that scene from ‘Jurassic Park’ of a door handle being pushed down, suggesting that the raptors could open doors? But hey, 1993 is a long time gone and perhaps there’s little room for subtlety today.
    It’s bigger and louder, and pretty good fun.

  • Peter Travers
    Peter Travers
    Rollingstone India


    …this state-of-the-art dino epic is also more than a blast of rumbling, roaring, “did you effing see that!” fun. It’s got a wicked streak of subversive attitude that goes by the name of Colin Trevorrow.

  • Jyoti Sharma Bawa
    Jyoti Sharma Bawa
    Hindustan Times


    Not as good as Jurassic Park, but still dazzles…

  • The effects are superb, the action is supersized and ultimately, if there is just one word that can describe this movie, that word would be ‘awesome’.

  • Bryan Durham
    Bryan Durham
    DNA India


    Of course, watch the film once at least. Don’t miss the big screen experience. But spending on 3D or Imax? Don’t really see the point of watching in those formats. Very little actually takes your breath away to merit viewing in those formats. A word of clichéd advice: A little less conversation, lot more action please!

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    Trevorrow does well to pull it off by keeping it simple. Time and again, the film also pays a tribute to the original, the rear view mirror shot being one of them. In toto, Jurassic Park delivers what it promises.

  • Certain classics, novel and inventive, because of the eras they occupy, don’t need to be remade or franchised with similar strokes. Unless one redefines the grammar of its genre (‘Mad Max: Fury Road’), it makes no sense; like building the Titanic again and promising passengers a whiter iceberg. Even Indominus, a fair-complexioned creature who takes forward recent female-centric themes, would much rather stay in test tubes. While the nostalgic child in me is curious, the adult in me is disappointed.

  • Piyush Chopra
    Piyush Chopra


    …had too many excuses to turn out badly. Instead, Colin Trevorrow manages to put together a film that’s equal parts entertaining and nostalgic. It may not be Jurassic Park, but this is as close as you could come to replicating it’s epicness in a sequel.

  • Troy Ribeiro
    Troy Ribeiro
    Zee News


    Director Colin Trevorrow has done a commendable job by delivering this colossal project which is close to the original. The visuals which include CGI images, VFX and 3D effects are astonishing and the background score accentuates the viewing experience.