Loot Reviews and Ratings

My favourite scene is one in which Mahaakshay’s character goes next door to demand that a noisy neighbor turn down his blaring speakers. In reply, the neighbor pours his glass of beer on Mahaakshay’s head. If only the audience could do the same to the perpetrators of this lousy comedy.
In short, too much chaos… and too many characters.
Clearly, someone’s let open a flick that must have been rightly, safely lying in the cans for years. Sounds like fun? Be careful.
If only we knew what was so funny. Loot is a hoot. And a painful reminder of the collapse of the comic caper in Bollywood in a heap of inadequacy. The writing reaches a stalemate even before the actors warm up to their roles.
What could have been an entertaining and perky comedy turns out to be silly and unbearable even in the first half. A total waste of resources, watch Loot at your own risk.
On the whole, Loot is a poor fare and will fare poorly at the box-office.
On the whole, LOOT is an 80s style masala fare that lacks smart writing and slick direction. At best, it may find some patronage from spectators who relish typical masala fares.
LOOT makes BE CAREFUL, released two weeks ago, look like Oscar material in comparison.