
Movie Info
Loveshhuda is a story about a man who drinks and wakes up in the morning with a girl whom he does not know. When he gradually starts to fall in love with her, he must choose between love and practicality.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Loveshhuda Reviews
‘Loveshhuda’ should have been titled, ‘Daarushhuda’. First half is with mixed with water and soda but second half is just about having neat pegs. I recommend that you carry a strip of disprin atleast for the second half.
The script that is inspired by the Hollywood franchise Hang Over and the Hindi franchise Pyar Ka Punchnama comes unstuck. The whole "not being able to remember what I did in my drunken state," and reliving the scenario the next morning has no deja vu. Instead, it's a terrible mishmash of nothingness.
Watch it if you must for the lead pair’s chemistry and the picturesque tours of London and Mauritius. The rest of it is just ho-hum.
LoveShhuda is one film you won’t be able to bear even on TV. If you plan to watch it, I suggest you carry an Advil in case you suffer from both a hangover and a headache.
4 an amalgamation of famous rom-coms from both Hollywood and Bollywood with good music but fails to make an impact as it offers nothing new.
- Loveshhuda to recollect and smile back at your own drunken binges. Watch it with your gang and then proceed to have a few for the road…you might just need them…
For youngsters who are looking for something light and romantic, LS would be an apt choice.
In one scene, Navneet tells the hero that people who show the ravages of time on their faces have not followed their heart and those who age gracefully have. So, if you don't want those wrinkles to show early, steer clear of this film.
No expense has been spared to ensure that Girish Tairani post-debut vehicle catches the audiences’ fancy. But flaunting urban affluence and trying to write dialogues which try hard to sound like the metro-youngsters internet babble gives this film an embarrassing aspirational aura.
As you watch this slush of a rom-com only one thought keeps coming to mind. Would someone please slash the slosh?
Loveshhuda is a love story without a soul. It will, therefore, fail to touch the audience’s hearts.
"Loveshudda", which begins with a promise, finishes off on a rather flat note.
You are bound to enjoy the chemistry between the lead couple. It is also never a bad idea to learn the side effects of binge drinking; Loveshhuda will help.
'Loveshhuda' works only for its one liner idea, decent performances and for its foot tapping songs. Besides that, the movie is full of repetitive scenes which are like a never-ending saga where everyone is getting drunk in each and every scene for which the title should be renamed as 'Drunk-Shhuda'.
Emotions have been royally ignored and this is a love story, mind you!Watch it if you have to…like really HAVE TO!
A novel theory suggested in the film is that faces of ageing seniors bear tells of decisions taken earlier in life. A frowning glory equals to having compromised with one's wishes. A delightful smile means the person has followed his/her heart. The moral? Don't give up on your dreams or be sour-faced for life.