Paddington 2 Reviews and Ratings

Paddington 2 might just be the film a brittle, bothered world needs right now. Full of warmth, compassion, and kindness, this well-mannered bear is an ideal reflection of an ideal world.
Ben Whishaw’s Paddington is a creature of just the right amount of vulnerability and grit. But it is Hugh Grant who is a find here, mocking himself, showing his age, and rocking a neat number in a pink outfit.
Paddington 2 has done what many franchises couldn’t: make a sequel about a brave bear brilliant, beautiful and better than the original. For that, it just may deserve the BAFTAs nominations after all.
While the kids are sure to learn a thing or two about good behaviour, it’s the spirit of community living gently conveyed in scenes of Paddington’s selfless involvement around his neighbourhood that make the film a lot more timely than expected from standard children’s fare
This sequel is funnier, more charming and heartwarming than the original; one you’ll enjoy tremendously, with or without kids in tow. Make sure you stay behind for the credits!
Visually, every frame is like an intricate-scaled diorama, a work of art built up from thousands of tiny, thoughtful details that would enthral you over several viewings.
I could go on and on about all the issues plaguing this film and the subsequent plagues it just might unleash on the world. But I’ll simply end it by paraphrasing what one of your own, Kate Beckinsale, said in the movie Serendipity. The English got bad teeth, bad hair and good children’s movies. You got the short end of the stick lads, you just don’t know it.