• Shalini Langer
    Shalini Langer
    Indian Express


    Actor Elizabeth Banks’s directorial debut hopes to cruise on the surprise success of Pitch Perfect, but a completely random script, held together by a few scenes of actual delight, lets down her effort. If the singing is few and far between, drama is virtually non-existent with any such scenarios either wished or laughed away.

  • Rohini Nair
    Rohini Nair
    Deccan Chronicle


    Pitch Perfect 2 may go off key on the comedy, but on the a capella, it hits all the right notes.

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    The film passes the Bechdel test with flying colors but the same cannot be said about it when it comes to entertainment. But if you like fluffy entertainment, this could well be your ticket.

  • With decent technical and production values, Director Elizabeth Banks’ handling of a weak script, fails to impress viewers.