Sin City: A Dame to Kill For Reviews and Ratings

Joseph Gordon-Levitt part doesn’t have the chills of the cannibal Elijah Wood, Alba’s pouts have clearly outlived their usefulness, the 3D is entirely pointless, the voyeurism even less disguised now, and there are no little girls who need saving to connect this film to any normal human emotion calling for a normal human response.
There is an abundance of violence including the hacking of heads and limbs. Unfortunately, the cartoonish carnage comes at the expense of plot and narrative momentum. Clearly, Rodriguez and Miller opt for stylistic razzmatazz over thematic substance. If only for its visual virtuosity, it’s worth plunging into the hard-boiled world of Sin City 2 : A Dame To Kill For.
The movie made complete sense even after all the cruel editing. It is very rarely that we see good sequels and this one is not to be missed.
Too much sin, not enough soul…The lack of heart in the film is troubling, because even as you watch the slick images unfold on screen, you know something is missing: It makes the characters seem a little like cardboard cutouts, which is a shame considering how wonderfully well most of the cast has acted.
With its simple dialogues and also because it is in essence a gorgeous-looking tableaux, enjoy this slick slice of cinema more for its visuals rather than anything else.
As a fan, this one is dead on arrival on account of having come so late. But if you’re new to Sin City, well now’s as good a time as any to get acquainted.
Given that all the razzmatazz is intact, those who have seen the previous film will enjoy this and those who haven’t seen it, are likely to be tempted to watch it after seeing this.
Do yourself a favour and do not commit the sin of watching this movie at a theatre. Just wait till the DVD release or a legal download near you.
… this film might just not even be good enough to pay money for. Does well despite the curse of the sequels (it’s a real thing), but definitely not good enough to kill for.
Overall, co-directors Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller have ensured that the film is technically suave, but the execution of everything is so overdone and previously seen, that has lost its sheen in the second round.
This movie is a screaming ride into the night. You will feel the howling of the wind, the corruption of power, the seduction of beauty, the poison that enters men’s souls and the desperation of Sin City. A dance of death, destruction and dames, an entertainer till the end.
The narrative has familiar misanthropic overtones but one has to keep the original in mind to make sense of the characters as the makers have no intentions to indulge the latecomers.
With sex and nudity censored out, this stylised film loses quite a bit of its character…