Spy Reviews and Ratings

Never a spoof in the vein of Johnny English or the Austin Powers movies, Spy is funny without being campy or foolish. It’s smartly written, and deliciously performed by an A-list cast led by the ridiculously talented McCarthy who never ceases to surprise.
There are fewer sights as exuberant as Melissa McCarthy on a roll. And that includes her rolling. The actress is again at her swearing, fighting, kicking best here, letting it all hang out as a CIA desk person who finds herself out in the field.
Top-lining a predominantly macho genre flick McCarthy shares cracking chemistry with her co-stars. Jason Statham deserves special mention for his hilarious performance as a rogue agent. Spy is recommended for those in the mood for escapist fun.
Spy manages to combine humour and intelligence into one really entertaining package.
McCarthy is likeable even as she hurls abuses. This is a riotous comedy with women power at its amusing best.
Nargis Fakhri is passable but not noticeable as such, but with McCarthy hogging the limelight steamrolling everything else in the movie down, it’s hard to complain. If you’re in need of laughs in this horrible rain, ‘Spy’ delivers with style.
The film is a delightful mix of madness and mirth, of happening parties and rippling repartees.And the Martinis, if James Bond is curious to know, are sternly dry in contrast to the sticky situations that Susan gets herself into.
If there’s any complaint to be made about Spy, then it is that there should have been more of Statham and McCarthy. We could watch them go at each other for hours. Here’s hoping there’s a sequel.
Melissa McCarthy, who had earlier teamed up with director Paul Feig in “Bridesmaid” and “The Heat”, once again shines with an author-backed role. She displays her comic personality with aplomb. Her transition from an object of ridicule to a vulnerable but effective heroine, with a mouthful of diatribe and uninhibited aggression, makes her simply hilarious.
If you are into action comedies and want to laugh on the weekend, this is your best bet! It offers two hours worth of laughter and lighthearted antics that are hard not to enjoy. Plus, take it from us you’d definitely want to find out who Susan Cooper finally ends up with! Take your best guess!
Packed with emotions and passion, this Melissa McCarthy-Jason Statham-Jude Law film is a must watch…