• It’s dull and depressing and a reminder of everything that’s wrong with modern blockbusters.

  • Raja Sen
    Raja Sen


    Suicide Squad is less an actual movie and more an assemblage of moments, moments mostly to do with popular music appropriated around shots of spectacle, with every single scene trying to hit a crescendo of cool and the film, thus, failing to find any peaks at all.

  • Shalini Langer
    Shalini Langer
    Indian Express


    Jared Leto’s Joker tries as does Margot Robbie who brings up the rear, literally, of Suicide Squad but Will Smith-led Suicide Squad is unmanageable.

  • Tatsam Mukherjee
    Tatsam Mukherjee
    India Today


    Suicide Squad is a big, bloated mess of a superhero film, with a bipolar screenplay. Known for his realistic, gritty films like End of Watch and Fury, you can see flashes of the old David Ayer in this film. Too few and far between though.

  • This is a messy mash-up that has neither style nor real substance to make it exciting enough. For sure this is nowhere near as cool or nihilistically humorous as ‘Deadpool.’