The Last Witch Hunter Reviews and Ratings
If I had to use just one word to describe the movie, it would be disappointment. Not once will the viewers find it gripping, enthralling and engaging. If you don’t automatically fathom the sequence of events, it’s almost certainly not for you.
Shot, sliced, struck, splayed; saved, sailed, smiled, strayed; and carried on. For Vin Diesel to start at one end of that trajectory and appear unscathed at the other is par for the course. Now imagine him as witch hunter Kaulder, with special powers and immortality. Witch, witches, or witch queen — which has a chance?
It is apparent that Caine and Wood are just cashing their pay cheque. Even though Vin Diesel is earnest and trying hard, he cannot help this B-grade adventure/fantasy which also works like a whodunit without thrills. If you are not creeped out by its misogyny, you are bored beyond endurance by its predictability.
Even the monsters or the witches don’t look scary. Everything seems to have been put together in a hurry. It’s an action flick. But it is rarely entertaining. It has Vin Diesel, but there’s no car chases in this one. It could’ve been great, but settles for just about okay.
The narrative is densely over-plotted with other-worldly incidents both magical and radical. It’s convoluted and has hallucinatory overtures that take you off course every time. The story itself lacks consistency and the visual architecture here reigns supreme over everything else.
…the dull nature of the movie gives you time to ask some awkward questions about the plot, especially the anticlimactic final act.
All you can do then is shuffle out of the theatre feeling utterly cheated.