Wah Taj Reviews and Ratings

Exaggerated faces, clueless extras and cartoonish sound effects set the stage for something that resembles a sloppy sitcom more than an actual feature film
At scripting stage, Wah Taj could have been a good watch, but what we see onscreen is totally avoidable.
Wah Taj aims to put focus on the pitiable conditions of farmers and the devil-may-care approach of the government machinery. The end result, however, is a film that has its heart in the right place but nothing new to offer. A few scenes, like the one in the courtroom, stand out in this otherwise average attempt. You can risk watching it once.
Wah Taj is an amateur film at best. But It’s also an honest and relevant jab at corruption in veil of progress. It’s good intentions do salvage some pride, but in the end this is a classic case of an opportunity for good satire laid to waste.
Exaggerated faces, clueless extras and cartoonish sound effects set the stage for something that resembles a sloppy sitcom more than an actual feature film
It might be felt that the director has restrained from delving deeper into the farmer issue gripping the country, and a little wider coverage on the issue could have provided the film with more validity, but the sincere effort cannot be brushed away and must be recognised. Wah Taj is a clean and simple story with a message, definitely worth a watch.