Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi

Movie Info
Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi is a fun and quirky slice-of-life comedy, set in Delhi. The film is about a no-holds barred friendship that turns crazy when competition seeps in.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi Reviews
The film ends up being a strictly average, and mostly bland, slice of Delhi life. There’s a great deal of Punajbbi Hindi, but that’s par for the course of this kind of template-y film. For variation, we get Bihari, from a guard and his ‘sari’-loving wife whom he has left behind in Darbhanga, and Kanpur Hindi, from Kuku’s ‘badmaash mama’. Sit.com territory, stretched out to accommodate a film.
There's a lot of dramatic and comic potential in Punjabi Delhi and Bollywood has been using it to the hilt for a few years now. Band Baaja Baraat, Fukrey, Vicky Donor being just a few examples of how it needs to be done. Kuku Sharma Ki Jhand Ho Gayi, alas, is not one of those films.
Funny situations and scenes with quirky characters provide clean humour but that can't substitute for the lack of a good, engaging story. Watch this one only if a 'little birdie' tells you to. We mean a 'Kuku', alright.
It's a sweet film. Give it a chance.
Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi is a jhand film which is better avoided. With a lack of soul and a half baked storyline, the film is a bad mishmash of convoluted screenplay, dull writing and hasty execution. Though 109 minutes helps, the exasperation of having to watch the film surpasses the minuscule joy of it being a relatively short film. Sometimes devil gets the better of me and the concept of being thankless jumps out of the window. Something of the same order happened when I watched a jhand film. I am going with 2/5. Avoid a jhand movie because you aren’t a jhand.
KUKU MATHUR KI JHAND HO GAYI is a light entertainer that's simple-n-sweet, charming and most importantly, entertaining for most parts.
It gets the odd chuckle but nothing more than that.The new kids on the block are sincere and with a better story line surely the director will be able to give us a superior product next time.
A quirky, distasteful title alone does not make a film hit. Production houses like Balaji Motion pictures should have known that. This kind of putrefying titles might gain a bit of curiosity but without the content to match that expectation, there’s no chance of recompense.
Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi is a dull fare and cannot hope to do much at the ticket windows despite some good comedy. Its very low cost is probably its biggest plus point.
KMKJHG makes for a decent home video watch. I could definitely check out the shots of Kuku cooking - chopping vegetables and making milkshake - clearly inspired by the opening montage of American TV series Dexter. Else this film holds no promise.
Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi has many rough edges, patches of amateurish staging and acting, misguided attempts at humour, and an ear-splitting and disposable Amar Mohile background score, but it is also good-natured, warm-hearted, and finely observed. Its characters seem right at home in the Subhash Nagar, west Delhi, location in which the movie plays out.
Siddharth Gupta and Amit Sial are the only ones you'd remember after you walk out of the theater. And maybe Pallavi Batra for the loud character she plays annoyingly and aptly. None of this enough to make Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Lag Gayi a watchable film.
Perhaps this film lacked scope from the beginning, but its shortcomings are definitely not a result of less effort. Also, credit to the producers for making sure that every viewer grins at least once-while having to name the film at the ticket window.
Audience Reviews for Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi
Kuku Mathur ki Jhand Ho Gayi is an average entertainer, although it does convey that there are no shortcuts to success.
Kuku Mathur ki Jhand Ho Gayi is a decent (means minus vulgarity) Comedy clubbed with a bit of Romance. Although this film has nothing much to offer in terms of its plot, yet the film will not give you headache, three male actors Siddharth Gupta, Amit Sial and Ashish Juneja do make this atleast a watchable movie. Contrary to the official poster of this movie, it is not a sex comedy at all, rather it projects the plight of an youngster who is in the phase of choosing a suitable career, establishing himself, proving himself etc. The movie gives the message that we may have two roadmaps to success in our lives – one path may be easier, shorter but involves crooked means and the other path may be tougher, longer, full of challenges but a true / honest path. One must go for the latter option, otherwise, success would be short-lived, success achieved through asy means may prick your conscience one-day. This film, directed by Aman Sachdeva, is shot at Delhi. Jhand is a typical Dehlite word which means ‘taken for a ride’. Kuku Mathur (Siddharth Gupta) and Ronnie Gulati (Ashish Juneja) are great friends since childhood. Kuku comes from an ordinary service class family. His father is a government officer, who wants his son to study hard and get a good job, whereas the Gulatis run the business of sarees and dress materials. Kuku keeps on trying his culinary skills at home who aspires to have his own restaurant one day. Both Kuku and Ronnie go to a cyber café to check their 12th class results. How Ronnie tries to persuade Yogesh (cyber Café owner) to check the results ahead of the queue by cashing on Kuku’s status as a motherless child is an enjoyable scene. Both of them have managed to score very average in 12th apart from physical education. Kuku gets scolded by his father for his low score. Ronnie, gets a surprise gift – a shop- from his grandfather –Ronnie Matching Center (for duppattas, blouse pieces and underskirts). Kuku tries for a different path to seek admission in college, but not manages to get through and ends up working as a spot boy in a shady film set. Ronnie’s getting busy with his business and not being able to turn up to spend time / have fruit bear together, creates a deep sense of hurt / frustration in Kuku’s mind. Kuku starts feeling that his friend has changed. Ronnie snubs Kuku. A few incidents which followed thereafter create rift between Kuku and Ronnie.Then Kuku’s cousin Prabhakar (Amit Sial) enters in the scene who has all sorts of short-cuts to achieve what he wants, devious solutions for every problem. Prabhakar steals the show with most of the lines.Prabhakar suggests weird ideas to Kuku for starting his restaurant. And Kuku, otherwise a well-mannered person, does get influenced with his Prabhakar Bhaiya. What happen thereafter? How do they manage to get money to start Kuku’s restaurant ?2June 04, 14