Penguins of Madagascar

Movie Info
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine from destroying the world as we know it.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Penguins of Madagascar Reviews
Expectedly, it's Malkovich and Cumberbatch who get the best lines and ample opportunity to have fun with their (voice) parts. But for the latest installment of a much-loved franchise, The Penguins of Madagascar feels surprisingly underwhelming.
The pace is brisk - frenzied, even - the animation top-notch and the script is full of witticisms, puns ("Drew, Barry - more power!" Or "Nicolas, Cage - the penguins!") and there are jokes aplenty for the kiddies as well as belly-busters for the grown-ups. And of course, the penguins are simply adorable.
The Penguins of Madagascar is worth watching twice. The brilliant animation aside, after three movies with Madagascar's principal cast, it's heartening to see some of the other memorable characters get their own film. In this one, they poke fun at the franchise in particular, at spy films in general and get on with the usual gags and some truly brilliant new ones and puns. Because you know, you can never have enough of those...
The penguins are cute, animation and 3D is great! And the running time is just 92 minutes but since the film doesn't touch the right cord it doesn't seem worth the time.
While the plot isn’t anything extraordinary, the penguins are seriously funny, as are Skipper’s puns when commanding his team. Not to be missed are the cute mockumentary by German director Werner Herzog in the opening scene, which is a parody from March of The Penguins, and the mid-air crisis as the penguins wake up on plane.
There isn't a single boring moment in the movie — it just zips and flies along from the moment it opens. The zip-zoom tone clearly shows that this was aimed at the younger kids whose attention span is significantly less than adults. But it's hard for even adults to be not entertained by such harmless and colourful fun.
While the kids will ruminate over the high octane action scenes, it’s the pun-filled dialogues like “Nicohlas! Cage them,” or “We are North Wind! Nobody dare break wind” that will keep the adults in splits.Overall, with attractive well-packaged visuals, good picture-perfect animation and competitive background score, the film will appeal to kids and adults alike. It is engaging and entertaining at the same time.
Penguins of Madagascar is extremely fun to watch. At 92 minutes, it is briskly paced, and lets you leave the cinema hall with a huge grin on your face. The film can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages. While it may not be the best animated feature film of the year, it is certainly one you should catch with the whole family.
The penguins’ unflinching and relentless do-and-let’s-see-if-we-come-out-alive spirit lends itself to plenty of slapstick antics and countless unfunny puns that manage to force a chuckle or two, but the birds themselves aren’t nearly as witty as they were in the original Madagascar series. Still, the laugh-a-minute riot leaves little room for any kind of on-site evaluation and packs in punches, big and small, for fans of all sizes.
While the storyline may not be meaty enough for adults, there's no denying that technically, it's a flawless film. From the camerawork to the editing, everything falls in line as it unfolds across a variety of locations — Venice, Shanghai and Kentucky's Fort Knox.