The Danish Girl

Movie Info
The story of Danish painter Einar Wegener, one of the first recipients of gender reassignment surgery.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
The Danish Girl Reviews
The incredible performances alone demand that you make time for this film.
Director Tom Hooper gets everything right. The problem is that his Einar/Lili is etched in the same perfect strokes. You are impressed, you are not moved.
Perhaps some day, a filmmaker with a real passion for the subject can come along and tell this tale the way it’s meant to be told. Till then, don’t watch The Danish Girl. Watch your phone run out of battery instead.
You wish the film was less conventional in its approach, but it delivers so much that you can barely complain. In keeping with the film's Casablanca line, the last word here has to be - "I've only really liked a handful of characters in my life, and this movie has two of them."
Watch this one solely for Eddie. The story is a warm, beautiful one, but not as engaging as Eddie's performance.
The Danish Girl is a film that needs to be watched. If not for anything else, to understand the complexity of the human mind and the struggles that dot a trangender's survival.
a splendid example of cinematic art that could well stand the test of time and become revered as a modern day classic. You just can't afford to miss this one!
Set nearly a hundred years ago, The Danish Girl is a paean to the timelessness of an emotion that does not alter when it alteration finds.
It starts with a stocking and ends with scarf floating into space, portraying freedom. Lily has found her freedom. But she has left us a captive of her tragic tale for all times to come.
If you’re looking for a completely accurate retelling of Lili Elbe’s story, you might find yourself a little disappointed. The Danish Girl takes liberties with the true story, and some of the finer aspects are lost in the translation to the screen. Still, the film is a stellar addition to the filmographies of everyone involved, and is definitely worth watching.
The most intriguing aspect of The Danish Girl is that it is much more about that love story than it is about Lili’s road to self-discovery.
Some films successfully defy categorization. The King's Speech (2010) director Tim Hopper's The Danish Girl is such one. It is more than the Danish artist Einar Wegener's biopic, or his gradual transformation to the girl inside her - Lili Elbe. It is not a love story, between the couple - Einar and Gerda Wegener, although a striking love story is embedded in the narrative. It is more than a simple story on sexuality too.
Hooper’s movie is far too ironed-out to adequately explore the creases and rips of the relationship. The Danish Girl proves that mainstream filmmakers are more receptive than before to tackling tricky subjects such as trans identity and the fluid boundaries between genders, but the movie also sets out the limits of this depiction.
...what's sad is that the film won't challenge the audience one bit. And just might send those insensitive to gender issues straight to sleep.