A Gentleman

Movie Info
Actors Sidharth Malhotra and Jacqueline Fernandez, who are paired together in a film for the first time, on Monday revealed that their upcoming movie Reload has been renamed A Gentleman - Sundar, Susheel, Risky.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
A Gentleman Reviews
A Misguided Film That Offers Little Relief...
Sidharth Malhotra who helms this enterprise plays a good guy who can also be bad. Now while the handsome Sidharth is perfectly pitched as the 'sundar’ and 'susheel’ fella of the title, he isn’t quite as convincing in his ‘risky’ avatar.
A Gentleman is not a flawless film, it is full of cliches and typecasts the characters - be it casting black men as the foot soldiers of the villain, their language or even the ringtone of his phone. Even the climax action sequence conforms to decades old cliche - the hero’s anger is at its worst when poked about the heroine.
A Gentleman is definitely an entertaining film which has its own set of loopholes but they can be easily overlooked. Watch it this weekend for a fun and an edgy film.
The noise of the crowd, the badly phrased banter of the unthinking mob, the music in the butcher's knife, the tiny dreams of little people, these asides were the true essence of Raj and DK's first two movies, and it seems like they've stopped stepping out and recording them.
The rubble that bust-ups result in resemble the film as a whole. It is pretty while it lasts, but strangely bland overall. A Gentleman is a pileup of little ideas gone haywire. They could have done with more breathing room.
The film would have been a perfect entertainer had it held its cards closer to its chest. However, it still has plenty bang for your buck.
Enough films have released this week appealing to various tastes. Pick one that suits your sensibilities.
Even though the film’s trailers and the first time pairing of Sidharth Malhotra and Jacqueline Fernandez created all the possible excitement to drive the audience to the theatres to watch the film, the film, in totality fails to impress. By the time the film ends, it lands up disappointing the cine goer. At the same time, for all those who adore and idolize Sidharth Malhotra, A Gentleman serves as the perfect ‘visual treat’ for them.
Flaws aside, A Gentleman makes for an entertaining watch. If a not-too-serious, masala film is your ideal weekend watch, then this film does not disappoint.
‘A Gentleman’ is a slick production that will keep you entertained. Just keep your expectations in check.
This is just a snoozefest, all the way.
Our thoughts exactly as we go from a feeling of watching a cleverly constructed film to a sense of over-constructed but nevertheless engaging spry spy comedy.
The comic parts of A Gentleman score over the action and as an action-comedy is falls short of taking any real risks.
A Gentleman has a first half which has appeal for just one section of the audience, and a second half which is very dull and boring. It will, therefore, fail miserably at the ticket windows and will end up entailing heavy losses to the concerned people.
A Gentleman is neither ‘Sundar’ nor ‘Susheel’ but turns out to be a ‘Risky’ affair for Sidharth Malhotra and Jacqueline Fernandez. The film has nothing going in its favour and can be easily avoided. In plain and simple words – It’s Boring.