Grand Masti Reviews and Ratings

The sad truth is that ‘Grand Masti’ revels in making you cringe, not laugh. Adult humor tends to work best when some things are left to your imagination. But the makers of this film force-feed the audience images and dialogues and references so discomfiting, the only laughs you’ll hear are nervous chuckles.
It’s vulgar, but too silly to qualify as an ‘adult comedy’. -
No one expects films of this sort – boys and their toys – to be sophisticated or intelligent. By definition, they are meant to be crass and tasteless. But then filmmakers getting into this should go the whole hog, and give us what they promise: there was nothing adult in what I saw, only pubescent groping. In a slack tale, laden with stale lines, and a moral science lecture tagged on.
I can’t think of a single reason why you should see this film.
…there is no way you can enjoy a movie like Grand Masti and still claim you respect women.
Grand Masti stakes its claim to being Bollywood’s first adult comedy. And, just like the innumerable puerile potboilers that India’s dream factory churns out with a warning that says — leave your brains behind, this one should have a disclaimer that reads, ‘Leave your pretensions behind’. Once you do this, you can sit back and laugh aloud at the crass jokes this film throws up at regular intervals.
If you are in the mood for some cheap jokes, (and I don’t mean that in a demeaning way) go for it.
You will like this movie if you liked Masti, Kya Super Kool Hain Hum and Andheri Raat Mein Diya Tere Haath Mein.
When a film makes you uncomfortable and gives you that awkward feeling which only a porn film can give, if you end up watching one in a crowd, then of course it’s not entertaining.
Grand Masti is a grand tapestry of trash! If you are going to watch the film, it is automatically assumed that you are brainless to invest your time in such a painful film. I would rather route you to watch blue films which might have a better storyline and more action than you expect here. Since films are a work of effort, I am not giving this a zero! Here’s 0.5/5 for Grand Masti.
GRAND MASTI crosses all limits and boundaries vis-a-vis adult humor. This one’s *strictly* for those who relish naughty jokes, outrageous lines and scandalous visuals.
While the predecessor Masti was no great shakes it was not as harmful as this one directed by Indra Kumar. There is no part of the male and female anatomy that remains unexplored in this travesty of a film. Since there is no evidence of any intelligence, on second thoughts the one part that has little to do with the film is the brain.
…reeks of insensitivity and touches a new low as far as obscenity in Bollywood is concerned.
Adult comedies can be an engaging watch but there is a difference between being super-funny and outright vulgar. Grand Masti leans heavily on the latter. The makers seem to think that the audience can comprehend only in-your-face-humour.
Grand Masti goes to an extent to suffocate the audience with extremely cheap jokes. Naughty movies are nice to watch, but something like Grand Masti is a shame to the society, where crimes against women are increasing day to day. No wonder, now I realise why this has been banned in Punjab and Haryana.
Grand Masti will be loved by the youth, masses and front-benchers and disliked by the family audience and ladies. In the final tally, it will prove to be a richly rewarding fare.
Ideally a film like this doesn’t merit a review.
Grand Masti is unabashedly gross, vulgar, crass, shameless and fearlessly adult. But for a moment one has to step back from the noise of dissent – from the guardians of Indian culture and their histrionic fatwas – and ask yourself one simple question: Who are we to choose for others?