Setters Reviews and Ratings

Setters lays all its cards on the table in the first act itself: the follow-up is over-long and tedious. And, barring a few sharp moments, flat.
A Sharp Comment on Indian Education System…Setters is designed like an Oceans 11 kind of caper where the stakes are not just a heist idea, but the education system of India.
Wish there was more to the story or its writing that would have made the 125 minute film worth the time and effort!
Even if Setters shows no inclination to understand the dark desperation that drives parents to buy marks for undeserving children, it could’ve made a little more effort to be sly or suspenseful,
The film remains a middling affair because it asks many important questions but answers only a handful with any degree of clarity.
A thriller devoid of any sort of pressure, falls flat and thus feels never ending. Solid writing would have done wonders for a film like this that had the potential to be gripping.
In terms of concept and cast, Setters has a lot going for it. In its execution though, it does not quite add up.
But then again, this could be a wildly profound reading of a film that wants to be mischievous enough to be “India’s Oceans 11”. It succeeds in being that, and then some more.
Chaudhary gets the milieu, lingo and the social nuances and hierarchies right and has a fabulous ensemble of actors, some in smaller roles, but the film doesn’t hit a high note. It remains facile rather than probing or provocative. It’s also too protracted to hold your interest. Incidentally, two of the actors here—Jameel Khan and Ishita Datta—can also be seen in the other release of the week, Blank.