Spider-Man: Homecoming Reviews and Ratings

It’s light and breezy and so much fun.
Tom Holland brings an innocence to Peter Parker we’ve never seen before. Robert Downey Jr meanwhile, can play Tony Stark in his sleep.
Homecoming fuses the kinky-swiftness of the original superhero movies with the silly concerns of a 2017’s teenager…
Spider-Man: Homecoming breathes new life into the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) as well as the friendly neighbourhood superhero that was forever torn between love and responsibility.
Marvel fans will have to watch this because clues for next movies in the line-up are there. Casual moviegoers, it’s a coming-of-age teen story with a superhero twist. Worth your time and money.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is a nice movie with a good script. It might not impress a diehard Spider-Man fan but makes for an enjoyable watch.
If you’re looking for your usual superhero origin story, Spider-Man: Homecoming is not the film for you. But if you don’t mind a refreshingly funny reboot that wanders into the high school comedy zone, director Jon Watts delivers a film worth your while.
…there’s never been a Spider-Man movie quite as good as this one. Tobey Maguire’s first film comes close. But then Jon Watts’ homecoming serves up a seriously impressive final scene between Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts and Jon Favreau’s Happy (Stark’s Man Friday). Its action looks way more authentic and intense than any Spidey movie before. The humour and quick witted dialogue of the film are phenomenal. It’s a great build up movie to Avengers: Infinity War. And then there’s the case of Marisa Tomei. Some things in life just make you go ‘bellissima!’
With great power come great possibilities. From the audience’s perspective, this feels more like going back to old school. Which is genuinely heartening to know. That is, before the blast-fest begins, I’m sure!
There really is no reason you shouldn’t be seeing this film at the earliest. Oh and stay for the end credits scene – I assure you, it’s going to be worth the wait.
The question is, Can Marvel ever go wrong? Well the answer is NO, I don’t think so. They know the tips and tricks of how to play to the gallery and successfully churn out an entertaining blockbuster. What’s commendable here is they have done it with a superhero who is already a hit with the fans and have been played twice before in last 15 years. Watch the film for its non-stop entertainment and humour, for Tom Holland and Michael Keaton, for MCU finally getting a good villain after Loki and…well it’s MCU, you are gonna watch it, anyway. This is the Spider-Man we were waiting for all these years.
With excellent production values, the film is a visual treat that will appeal to all.
Spider-Man: Homecoming stands to go down in history as the movie that did right by one of the most iconic characters to ever have been created, super-hero fatigue be damned.