The Angry Birds Movie Reviews and Ratings

The ‘star’ voices help to fob off boredom. But there is not much here to sustain your interest even if you like the thought of an angry bird and his friends saving the animal kingdom from destruction. Who saves this film from cocky inertia?
Despite being set across multiple environments: a tropical island, a high mountain, an ocean and later, another, densely populated island-city, the film features no real sense of wonder or adventure — and instead, reduces it to a pursuit of accurate, boring physics, but not very complimentary to the immense probabilities of animation itself.
Just when the animation movies are no longer restricted to kids, this film based on a popular mobile app game may not appeal to all age groups. The birds are cute, but an unambitious storytelling sans twists and turns, makes this bird-watching unexciting if not tedious. The screenplay lacks depth and so does the conflict between characters.
Don’t go in with too many expectations and you won’t be disappointed. It’s worth one viewing but could have been more than just that.
…if you have played the game, THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE will be a fun watch, while for those who haven’t they can still enjoy stellar animated visuals. Kids will definitely love the feathered lot.
The Angry Birds movie is a must watch for kids. And if you’re an accompanying adult, be rest assured, there’s plenty of chuckles in it for you too. It’s a real egg-citing film.
The animation here is just about OK. It’s not comely and though blindingly colourful, lacks a certain class that we’ve come to expect from the major Hollywood studios. There’s not much to laugh at as the narrative goes a little haywire in its redemptive spiral. The action sequences, while quite bombastic doesn’t quite make it stick. There’s nothing inventive or creative in terms of the writing either. The entire run looks contrived and derivative. Even the three-year-olds will find it difficult to cotton on to this miserable escapade.
In a world where movies based on games tend to suck, The Angry Birds Movie is a tiny little victory, and a nice diversion from Disney’s super large scale animation films. Now let’s hope this movie becomes successful and leads to a Candy Crush movie, or a Candy Crush Angry Birds shared universe.
In the end, the movie has a hero, and he is not your regular brave, kindred, happy soul, but an angry little bird, who wants nothing more than a peaceful life in his little house with the occasional outbursts of rage.
The Angry Birds movie has nothing extraordinary to offer, but it is still an enjoyable one time watch thanks to a few funny scenes and great animation. Go for it if you are a fan of the game, or rather if your kids are pestering you to take them.
The film is depressing for its laziness and cynicism. The colours are bright, the birds are twee and toy ready, the jokes are not particularly clever and when nothing works, a pop number swells up in the background obliterating all thought.
The Angry Birds Movie is childish and occasional cute and capitalises on the game’s once addictive popularity.
Unlike Zootopia and Inside Out, this movie refuses to accept that people are more intelligent than this drivel. Perhaps the best way to sum up how The Angry Birds Movie feels for most of the run time is to call it an unmitigated disaster. And a complete waste of time.
Thanks Rovio. I’m sure there’s already a sequel no one needs planned. Now pluck off.