
Movie Info
Traffic is the story of a host of strange happenings at a traffic signal involving many different characters, some of them include a superstar, a journalist, a traffic cop etc. It is about how the lives of these individuals become intertwined and change in just one day. Traffic is inspired from an actual event that happened in Chennai.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Traffic Reviews
This enterprise, bloated by needless saccharine and background music, has its moments but stays, overall, strictly serviceable.
Traffic does not preach or boast but it touches hearts. Watch it for the emotional connect, and of course, the wonderful performances.
At the idea level, the makers have partially succeeded in ensuring that the film keeps you at the edge of your seat.
Traffic doesn’t address its ethics or anything profound. It doesn’t aspire to be anything beyond a bumpy ride to half-hearted glory. And in that it is entirely successful.
Traffic, both the original and its Hindi version, will forever bear testimony to the magnitude of the loss that Pillai's untimely death represents for cinema.This is a fitting swan song: an unmissable film.
The characters and key-plot situations are seamlessly interwoven. There are some predictable playing-to-the-gallery religious sentiments introduced to get the desired results. But this can be overlooked because at it's core, this is a well-intentioned film with fine performances from its ensemble cast.
Traffic is inspired by a real-life incident, but the filmmaker has turned an interesting idea into a mawkish drama and a stretched thriller.
Traffic is a disappointing movie which fails to justify the true events. Boring, lengthy and more focused on a drama rather than the core topic of organ transplant in traffic conditions. Apart from Manoj Bajpayee’s sharp performance, the film has nothing to offer.
TRAFFIC will appeal to very limited audiences and will have a tough run at the box-office.
Despite it's minor flaws Traffic is a film that deserves attention and an audience. It's a fantastic story of human spirit. It should be able to inspire every individual to think and find the heart to help out others in times of need. It's just the sort of film that makes the world seem like a better place. It's a must watch for sure.
A film like this should have been about the moments and emotions the characters feel during the journey. But the screenplay chooses filmi twists — including one slightly twisted narrative whose resolution is unbelievably tame — over these.
This could have been a far better film, with better sense of emergency and tighter editing.
The road to cinematic achievement is lined with films that made it to the interval mark and then were ruined by their own contrivances. Traffic is a case study in what not to do with your story after the half-way post.
For a remake of a Malayalam movie this one tells the tale based on a true story, but it becomes so tedious because it tries too hard to infuse the TV drama pace of Kiefer Sutherland's 24 and ends up being tedious.
The director of Traffic, one of Malayalam cinema's big names, died prematurely a little over two months ago. This film is a reminder of what Rajesh Pillai had the potential to achieve had he lived longer.But it is not just in the honour of his memory that Traffic should be watched. It is too good a film to be missed.
There is very little to appreciate in Traffic. However, if you are a fan of over-the-top thrillers, this one may appeal to you.
Audience Reviews for Traffic
The film is a remake of 2011 Malayalam movie based on a real life incident in Chennai when a special corridor was created to transport a heart from one hospital to another. At the idea level, the makers have partially succeeded in ensuring that the film keeps you at the edge of your seat. However, the scenes where the constable is seen exiting the city with the heart on the back seat isn’t executed well.
Read full review at deccan chronicle0September 03, 16 -
The 105-minute Traffic plays out like a thriller, with each second that elapses invoking the ticking of a real clock.
Traffic is made doubly riveting by an eclectic bunch of fine actors led by Manoj Bajpayee in the role of Ramdas Godbole, a traffic constable suspended from service for accepting a bribe.0September 03, 16