• Parental opposition is one of the oldest conflicts as far as love stories go. Sure, the culture clash here gives us some genuine laughs. But at 2 hours and 30 minutes, this is a long, indulgent film that wears you out. I’ve never rooted so hard for a couple to get married. If only so I could go home.

  • Shubhra Gupta
    Shubhra Gupta
    Indian Express


    It’s nice to see Bollywood attempting to create a contemporary young couple. I liked the way they proceed without fuss into that most modern of compacts — of attraction that leads to conjugation, minus coyness. It is done as just something that happens, a no-weightage progression. Which is why the parental ‘khit- khit’ seems, after a point, overdone and mothballed. The smooth, engaging first half descends, post-interval, into mopey melodrama, and I got impatient waiting for the inevitable resolution.

  • Anupama Chopra
    Anupama Chopra
    Hindustan Times


    Ultimately 2 States is unwieldy and disappointing.

  • 2 States is good for a one-time watch.
    The unabashed shallowness of a Chetan Bhagat book meets the inane glitter of a Karan Johar-Sajid Nadiadwala production in 2 States.

    The result is the creation of a third state – the state of overpowering indolence.

  • Rohit Khilnani
    Rohit Khilnani
    India Today


    Two States is a well-packaged product with great posters and promos but the film is disappointing. The problem is that the movie is too long and moves at a very slow pace. Long conversations make it even more boring.

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    2 States could have been a charming little film but it toils and trudges long enough to make you desperate to head for the exit door. Brevity is not only the soul of wit, it should essentially be the trait of many of our Bollywood films as well.

  • The chemistry between Arjun and Alia is easy and endearing. Both do a decent job and for once, the actors actually look like they could belong to a campus. But after a point, their love saga becomes a bit of a drag, as you keep waiting for some funny banter or some exciting drama.

  • Mansha Rastogi
    Mansha Rastogi


    …is a wasted opportunity to encash the popularity of a book. Despite the cast, the budgets and brand in place, the film fails to make a mark purely due to faulty execution. Not a funny or entertaining rom-com this one.

  • Aparna Mudi
    Aparna Mudi
    Zee News


    Watch the movie for a lack of any other show to go to with your loved one. Despite the attempts of a modern love story, this 2 and a half hour movie can get to your nerves if you are expecting anything different.

  • When you walk out of 2 States, then, one isn’t likely to be absolutely gushing about it, nor will one be particularly annoyed by it. It just gives you what it promises – tolerable enough fun for just as long as it lasts.

  • Rahul Desai
    Rahul Desai
    Mumbai Mirror


    ‘Two States’ lacks that exact sense of casting, instead relying too heavily on people’s perception of the book and its’ modest goals.