
Movie Info
Aligarh is based on the true story of professor Siras, a teacher and an award winning poet. He was suspended from his job because of his sexual orientation and was only months away from retirement at the time of the incident.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Aligarh Reviews
Aligarh is an important film, and it's powered by sensitive writing, nuanced direction, and masterful performances from its central players.
Like in his ‘Shahid’, Hansal Mehta and scriptwriter Apurva Asrani have come up with a lead character and a film which shines with authenticity and emotional heft, which leaves you thinking, and which says something we should all listen to, especially in these times when it has become more imperative than ever before: we can be different, but we are us.
At a time when notions of morality and jingoism are obstructing the ideas of freedom, democracy and individualism, Aligarh is a must-watch. It’s a reminder that freedom of choice can never be less important, and that is what democracy is about.
Apart from the man's journey which the film informs in detail, there is nothing about the film that holds you in totality. Manoj Bajpayee single-handedly carries the film on his shoulder. It appears that Hansal Mehta got too attached to the subject and got carried away.
In Hindi cinema, where homosexuality is an object of derisive gags or caricature, the portrayal Aligarh offers is refreshing and respectful. But it’s much too multifaceted, at times for its own good, to be acknowledged for just that.
Mehta strips the tragic true story of all vestiges of overt sentimentality. Instead, he fills the depths of the understated but intensely moving drama with genuine, unsettling emotion.So, in addition to being a portrayal of the gay experience in an unjust and insensitive society, Aligarh is a human drama with universal resonance. It encapsulates the plight of all dissenters.
Hansal Mehta captures the inner turmoil and unrest of Siras in the most understated manner. Most importantly, he gives Manoj Bajpayee the role of a lifetime and the latter infuses soul to his character.
Two of India’s finest actors star in a new Bollywood film that puts the spotlight on homophobia in India, with its makers hoping to rekindle the debate on homosexuality and the right to privacy.
The best part of the film is its utter commitment to Siras' story. We watched silently while an innocent man was victimised just because he was different from us, that's just one more reason to watch this film.
Like Shahid, Siras's fate was also tragic. He was found dead in his apartment, just a few days after he won the legal battle in Allahabad High Court and the day when the University sent a letter reinstating him. Apurva Asrani, screenwriter and also the editor, and Mehta deserve credit for reminding viewers of a forgotten, reluctant and wronged hero who happens to be gay. Their biggest accomplishment is that they have treated him with respect and sensitivity. Qualities we, as a nation, could all do with.
Aligarh is an experience more than a film. I call it an experience because it makes one ponder over their blessed lives and how ignorant we are towards the plight of the LGBT community. It is a gem studded with a noteworthy performance by Manoj Bajpayee.
ALIGARH is a sensitive film which will touch your heart. However, due to its slow pace, it may appeal to a very niche segment of multiplex audiences.
Overall, the honesty and the haunting reality of the story are what make Aligarh such a compelling watch. Even in the disheartening end, Aligarh gives you hope that maybe, someday our society will be on the verge of coming out for good.
ALIGARH is for a niche audience who love their performances refined. And as far as a performance goes, Bajpayee surprises even himself.
There is also the questionable decision of showing the same incident four times in the film, which ends up crossing the line from ‘showing’ to ‘telling’. Like its protagonist, Aligarh is reluctant to assume an identity. It’s perfectly fine for an individual to make that choice; films, however, may then have to ride on the strength of adjectives that don’t necessarily tell you anything about its aesthetics.
Credit goes to Mehta and writer Apurva Asrani for etching out his character with such precision. Rajkummar Rao, who has successfully adapted the Malayali accent to suit journalist Sebastian’s role, lends good support. The admirable ease with which they relate to each other shows us the magic that can happen when two good actors come together on screen.
Audience Reviews for Aligarh
Hansal Mehta's gripping human drama 'Aligarh' is a soul-stirring adaptation of a true story which is boundlessly horrifying and gratifying in equal measure. And that's largely because of two reasons: Apurva Asrani has written a thoughtful script, Hansal's camera capturing the most rustic sets and gives them a profound quality, and most important thing: Manoj Bajpayee gives one of his best performances ever. Rajkumar Rao as Deepu Sebastian is good, but his new-age charm can't match the beauty of expression that Bajpayee has mastered. But don't mistake it as India's big leap for a 'gay movie' because it's not a full-blown homosexual drama, and even if it is, it's not mainstream.
But I'll remember 'Aligarh' because it's emotional consistency and brutal wraps to the same have come to stay with me for a long time. The script never fails it's issues and gets many notes right. If there is one flaw with this film it's that it is unbound and a little pretentious towards the second hour. This minor quibble is forgettable. Watch 'Aligarh'. I insist you see it.0February 28, 20 -
It might sound ironic but the truth is though we are in 2016 some of our rules are still so archaic or rather grossly misunderstood. Section 377 is one such law which made headlines over the years as it criminalizes homosexual acts. Though it was decriminalized in 2009, this stance lasted only for a short time. However, about a fortnight back the Supreme Court has referred the plea against it to a 5 judge constitutional bench. It is at this juncture that Hansal Mehta comes with "Aligarh" which is a real life take on the plight of a Prof in Aligarh University who fell victim to this discrimination.
Prof S R Siras (Manoj Bajpai) was the Chair of Modern Indian Languages and taught Marathi at the Aligarh university. On the night of Feb 8th, 2010; he was filmed with a male lover in bed in a sting operation by a local TV channel. The administration lost no time in suspending him as they believed that his homosexual act was immoral & against the rules of the university. It virtually brought his life to a standstill as he was treated like an untouchable or rather an anomaly among the people. On the behest of activists & friends, he engages in a legal battle against the university & wins the verdict in his favour. The film in total gives us a sense as to what he had to go through just coz he was gay.
Hansal Mehta might not quite be a household name but his recent releases have all been highly regarded among the movie connoisseurs be it "Shahid" for which he was awarded the National Award or "Citylights". It's definitely off-beat in nature, but what makes it appealing is that it is realistic in all sense of the word. Even his latest venture "Aligarh" belongs to the same league as it has been brilliantly shot with an impeccable eye for detail. It does focus on the victimization of the protagonist but at the same time also throws light on his loneliness and literary tastes. But the climax ought to have been more impactful & it should have also delved about his family. There is no denying that the film moves at a snail's pace at times which does test our patience, but the powerful performances enables us to tide over it to an extent.
Manoj Bajpai's credentials as an actor is well known & as Prof Sirsa he was absolutely mind blowing. His appearance, body language & pensive expressions were spot on that we are totally hooked to the character. Equally impressive was Rajkummar Rao (who incidentally plays a Malayali & does mouth a few Malayalam dialogues as well) who plays the role of a young, talented and empathic journalist with conviction. Ashish Vidyarthi also deserves praise for his brief role.
Verdict: Due to it's off-beat nature, it's kinda difficult to say whether the people will be encouraged to check it out. I do admit that it gets damn slow paced at times for our comfort but it has some power packed performances which deserve to be watched!!!
Rating: 3.25/5
0September 16, 16 -
One of the best indian films I've ever seen !
1March 04, 16 -
Aligarh, a biographical film by Hansal Mehta, is based on the life of a professor of Aligarh Muslim University – Dr. Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras. The year 2016 has so far seen two films Airlift and Neerja inspired from the true stories and here is another one, Aligarh. Such films really raise the bar of Bollywood films and Aligarh is no exception. It has created a lot of buzz offlate due to the intensity of the topic. Aligarh is a rare take on homophobia. We as individuals have the right to design our choices, and so, how would it be, if one is to face discrimination due to the choice he or she makes in their lives. Aligarh is based on one such true story about Professor Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras, who kept his sexual preference confidential for years, but became a victim to an undercover sting operation just before a few months short of his retirement and was suspended from his post. Aligarh is just highlighting one point that every individual born on this earth has the right to live. Yes, we are living in a country, where homosexuality is illegal [Section 377, Indian Penal Code, 1860, which criminalizes carnal intercourse against the order of nature, was declared unconstitutional by the High Court of India on 2nd July, 2009, but this judgment was overturned by the Supreme Court of India on 12th December, 2013, saying that amending or repealing this section should be a matter left to parliament and not the judiciary. But, on 2nd February, 2016, the Supreme Court during hearing of the petitions submitted, said that all the curative petitions submitted will be reviewed afresh by a 5 member constitutional bench]. Aligarh is not an attempt to get the Section 377 repealed, but it tries to raise a very important point, we as a society shall protect the basic rights of every individual, be it LGBT, i.e. to allow them to live their lives without victimizing them for the sexual preferences they have. This film talks about just one Professor Siras, but certainly, there are umpteen Professor Siras in our country, who are suffering. The film draws our attention to the fact that how important it is for us as a society to change our attitude. We don’t have any right to judge anyone on the basis of their most personal and intimate choices, can’t enter anyone’s bedroom to question their dignity. Yes, the taboo topic of the film i.e. homophobia can make the film an adult film, but there are enough content in this film which can make the current as well as the coming generations thoughtful. This film not only deals with an homosexual’s ordeal, but also deals with other issues viz. right to live, desire to maintain dignity, redeem the maligned status, loneliness, finding solace in music and drinks to fight solitude, the very meaning of love etc. Brilliantly crafted film.
Who was Professor Siras? (Inputs from Wikipedia) : Professor Dr. Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras was a professor at Aligarh Muslim University specializing in Marathi Literature and the head of the Department of Modern Indian Languages. He had written many short stories in Marathi and also received Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad award. He was suspended from his post by AMU, following a sting operation on him intruding the privacy of his apartment, where he was found having sex with his rikshaw puller friend. Though he won his case against his university in the court, and got his job back as professor, he was found dead in mysterious conditions in his apartment within a week in 2010.
About the film Aligarh: The film by Hansal Mehta is a brilliant effort to depict the story of Professor Siras (Manoj Bajpayee). The film begins with Prof Siras coming home in a rikshaw and later, both Prof Siras and rikshaw puller going inside his house. And the next day newspapers headlines talk about Prof Siras being caught up in compromising position with the rikshaw puller. Lot of aggression is there amongst people, who burn his effigies in front of Aligarh University (yes, in the film, the university is called as Aligarh University, AU, shot at Bareilly). He is being suspended from his post.
Deepu Sebastian (Rajkummar Rao), a journalist with Indian Post Newspaper requests Namitha (Dilnaz Irani) to allow him to cover Professor Siras’ story. For Namitha, it is a ‘sex scandal’ story whereas for Deepu, it is a human story. Namitha is keen to give this story to someone experienced. After persistent efforts, Deepu manages to get the permission to cover Prof Siras’ story. Deepu along with his cameraman colleague Tashi (Sumit Gulati –Talwar fame) travels to meet Prof Siras. How after initial reluctance, a beautiful bond of sharing develops between Deepu and Prof Siras.
Prof Siras’ colleague and friend Prof Sridharan gets an apology letter signed by Prof Siras to submit at college. But nothing works out in Prof Siras’ favour, rather following his suspension, he is even given notice to vacate his accommodation, electricity is provided only for four hours in a day.
Prof Siras is miffed up with the way world is reacting to his news. He finds solace in a peg and in Lata Mangeshkar’s songs.
Activists convince him to file his case against Aligarh University so as to revoke his suspension. That is where the entry of Ashish Vidyarthi as Advocate Anand Grover happens.
Rest of the film is about how the court proceedings happen, how Prof Siras had to bear the brunt of coming out in open, accepting that he is a gay and fighting against his university. The film also portrays Prof Siras’ life through his words. His bond with Deepu also plays a pivotal point in the film. Watch the film to know, how the story has been presented.
There are not many dialogues in the film, rather a perfect combination of words and silences are used. It is the same as how Prof Siras describes poetry: “It is in the silences. It is in the spaces between words.” One of the good aspects about the film is that plot like this is so sensitively and sensibly handled.
Certain scenes, dialogues are very thought provoking and interesting and some others will move you. I don’t want to highlight them, since, one must watch the film to experience the same. Still, to mention a few: Prof Siras, in spite of all the happenings, still speaking very high of Aligarh University to Deepu; Doctor and the nurse ignoring Prof Siras, he chooses to test his blood pressure all by himself inside Doctor’s cabin; his not even knowing the word gay; during court proceedings, he takes out his own book to read etc. A dialogue where he tells Deepu that how important it is to understand love, which is a beautiful word, but we end up maligning it by making it sound like a dirty word.
I don’t want to mention the scenes, but there is a clear cut message through those scenes that love just happens, and at times, lust is there between two people to fill their own voids of life. Who decides the morality?
Manoj Bajpayee as Professor Siras is outstanding. How wonderfully he has displayed the body language of a 63 year old Prof Siras. Manoj’s face expresses every emotion of Prof Siras, be it his embarrassment, fear, anger, pain. Manoj brilliantly projects the suffocation of Prof Siras too. Manoj has created a new benchmark for himself and other actors.
Rajkummar Rao is also very good as Deepu, who brings so much ease to the character which he does. Ashish Vidyarthi as always is very good. Dilnaz Irani and rest of the cast are also very good.
Hansal Mehta’s flawless direction, Ishani Banerjee’s ideated plot, deft writing/editing of Apurva Asrani to convert the same into a full-fledged film, music by Karan Kulkarni and Satya Rai Nagpaul’s brilliant cinematography makes Aligarh a great watch.
Aligarh, a very brave and intense film by Hansal Mehta, will keep you glued to the screen. It talks about every individual’s right to live, respecting one’s privacy. It no way asks you to support LGBT, but definitely asks one to have compassion towards them, and to respect their constitutional rights as human beings. Aligarh is a masterpiece, which has the perfect synchronization of brilliant performances, direction, writing, editing, cinematography and music.
5February 27, 16