Dallas Buyers Club

Movie Info
Dallas Buyers Club is a 2013 American biographical drama film directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. The film is based on the true-life tale of Ron Woodroof, an AIDS patient who began smuggling unapproved pharmaceutical drugs into Texas when he found them effective at improving his symptoms. Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Dallas Buyers Club Reviews
...a poignant yet inspiring film that unfolds like your standard biopic. Yet it's riveting each time McConaughey is on screen.
This is a stirring, touching film but -- unlike say its fellow Oscar nominee, the well-crafted 12 Years A Slave -- it stays impressively away from overt manipulation. Dallas Buyers Club is a film about smarts.
McConaughey lends Ron both the swagger an outlaw hero such as him needs and, because we can’t put the image of the actor as the golden-boy behind us, the sense of the uphill battle he is waging. It is also surprisingly true to the real story of Ron Woodroof, fictional as it may seem at times in the extent to which he goes.
Why do you need to see Dallas Buyers Club? Two words - Matthew McConaughey. A profile of the actor in The New Yorker magazine uses the phrase The McConaissance - that is a bold second act. The lightweight rom-com hero has evolved into a ferocious actor and nowhere does his talent blaze more fiercely than in Dallas Buyers Club.
A film on an AIDS-stricken protagonist (who, in order to prolong his life, becomes an accidental entrepreneur-crusader-activist) could easily emerge as a melancholic piece of socio-medical drama. Instead, Jean-Marc Vallee uplifts and inspires by just showcasing Ron's relentless resilience without glorifying his bigoted views or outrageous (drugs-prostitutes-beer) lifestyle...Brilliant would be an understatement.
What makes 'Dallas Buyers Club' truly brilliant is that it becomes a roaring crowd-pleaser even while dealing with a slow and morbid topic like death due to disease. The film achieves this feat by making sure that none of the main characters accept the role of a victim, least of all Ron Woodroof played by Matthew McConaughey. Although the film is still one of the dark horses next to the other big names in the Oscar race, this is one film you will not want to miss, sheer brilliance all the way.
Dallas Buyers Club is definitely worth watching, it's a powerful film!Almost everything is just perfect in Dallas Buyers Club. A superb script by Craig Borten and Melisa Wallack and touchingly sensitive direction by Jean-Marc Vallee, not to mention he never shifts focus from his subject.
The '80s setting of the story gives it an edge as Ron and Rayon work around the system to bring aid to HIV victims. The film is really worth a watch for its lead cast. While McConaughey, ferocious and funny at the same time, comes of age as a leading man, Leto gives his complex role an understated resolve.
There are films that get you hooked right from the start and then there are those like Dallas Buyers Club that start off slowly off the blocks and then sink you in deeper and deeper as it progresses. By the end, you are deeply submerged in it...This is Matthew McConaughey’s best performance and his transformation reminds of Christian Bale, in The Machinist as well as The Fighter. When you walk out of the theatre after watching the film, you are left with so much to admire and ponder about.
It’s a moving drama, and probably the most sincere film of 2013 and it’s good of PVR to release the film in India. The film skillfully avoids the cheesy or preachy drama route and does a great job of establishing some dignity into a formerly despicable character.
What really elevates the film is the intensity of McConaughey’s performance. Looking skeletal and broken, his eyes glitter with a steely sense of desperate determination.
Shedding so much weight as to be barely recognizable , Matthew McConoughy is just brilliant in the lead role and goes through a full gamut of emotions that could well win him the Best Actor Oscar this weekend. He is ably supported by Jenifer Garner who grows on the viewer but it is Jarred Leto who also takes the cake and her role reminds one of Pedro Almadovar’s All About My Mother as far as gender determination is concerned. The other cameos are minimal in this not-to-be-missed real life experience.
McConaughey plays Ron Woodroof with deep sincerity. The physical as well as the emotional evolution of the character through the film is incredibly and spectacularly real. He shines as the despicable, selfish, racist, homophobic and equally excels as a caring and a likeable person.
Everyone should watch this film as it has weight and value. We must learn about the dark times of our society, if we are to move into a brighter future. A future which is free of hate and bigotry and a future filled with hope.
Ultimately, however, Dallas Buyers Club rides on the McConaughey force. Who would have imagined that an actor best known shirtless, hewn in middle America, always the fetching, bedraggled son of the soil in romcoms, would immerse in a character that demands so much to execute yet have no gratifyingly happy climax?
We're so used to rooting for white characters, that we tend to forget that we're all actually grey. Dallas Buyers Club reminds us of the fact that in real life, we're all grey, and yet some of us lead lives that are worth living and worth dying for. It entertains you, moves you and educates you, just like that.