Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Reviews and Ratings
Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami is one of those films that you can watch over and over again.
Extraordinarily ordinary and proud of it, Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami reminds us of the important things in life in a highly consumerist world.
In times where materialistic things have taken precedence over people and good old values, ETKS is one of the most socially relevant films to have come out this year. It’s not just a film but a philosophy.
…has a unique storyline and good performances while makes it an entertaining watch.
Methinks, ETKS should be made tax free and more shows should be awarded at multiplexes.
This s a film for the common man! A 21-gun salute to the entire team of ETKS!
What works for Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is that it has something new to say about this city’s old ways of being. And that’s certainly worth the two-hour-plus runtime.
Ekkess Topon Ki Salaami deserves a 21-gun salute. It has a heart and it doesn’t hesitate in letting it show.
Ekkees Topon Ki Salaami could have been a flawless film had it been meted out with crisp and intelligent execution. The film however, still deserves to be watched.
It’s worth it. The movie’s story line and comedy punches are great. If you are a fan of political satires, this is one movie you should not miss. It’s worth every penny you spend.
Despite its flaws, the film is highly recommended for characters that stay with you long after the film has ended, actors who bring them alive with such sincerity, a unique story, and some heartfelt humour!