Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Reviews and Ratings

Some of the blemishes no withstanding, Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is a cut above the rest.
Ekkees Topon Ki Salaami could have been a flawless film had it been meted out with crisp and intelligent execution. The film however, still deserves to be watched.
Idealistic little film with a lot of heart but inconsistent in tone…
This is probably the most entertaining out of the five films this week-with set pieces that crack you up and manipulate you-but invariably has you pulling out your hair in frustration. Such fine actors, but an opportunity lost.
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is an entertaining, message-oriented film with a strong emotional base. It has merits but due to its very poor initial, dull promotion and dull pre-Diwali days ahead, it will go largely unnoticed. Even positive word of mouth will not help much so that the film will turn out to be a resounding flop.
Methinks, ETKS should be made tax free and more shows should be awarded at multiplexes.
This s a film for the common man! A 21-gun salute to the entire team of ETKS!
Ekkess Topon Ki Salaami deserves a 21-gun salute. It has a heart and it doesn’t hesitate in letting it show.
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami isn’t the worst film ever made. It’s got its moments. But when it comes to cinematic quality it has no leg to stand on. It’s just too erratic to merit any credibility.
Despite its flaws, the film is highly recommended for characters that stay with you long after the film has ended, actors who bring them alive with such sincerity, a unique story, and some heartfelt humour!
Much of the second half is evidently inspired from Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron, but there is none of that film’s sparkling wit at display here. The final scenes are unabashedly schmaltzy, and while the message itself is important, it is conveyed with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Promising but doesn’t quite take flight.
…despite the best of intentions, Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is a tiresome film and at least half an hour longer than it should have been.
ETKS is strictly a one-time watch if you have to choose among the host of films that have released this week simply because of its noble intentions and great acting jobs.
In times where materialistic things have taken precedence over people and good old values, ETKS is one of the most socially relevant films to have come out this year. It’s not just a film but a philosophy.
What works for Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is that it has something new to say about this city’s old ways of being. And that’s certainly worth the two-hour-plus runtime.
Sadly, Ekkees is a film that was filled with potential but is undone by its flaws – much like the system it attempts to satirise.
Neither is Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami unbearable, nor is it a good film by any standards; it’s somewhere in between…
…If your idea of going for a film is to get entertained and have a good time, then this is not something you would want invest your time in.
It’s worth it. The movie’s story line and comedy punches are great. If you are a fan of political satires, this is one movie you should not miss. It’s worth every penny you spend.
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is not a work of genius but is earnest at what it does. Anupam Kher’s performance shines and though the plot has its peaks and lows, the story’s soul wins eventually. You can give it a try because it isn’t cinematic beat but definitely a story that should be. Discrepancies and logic lapses aside, you won’t exactly hate the film.
…has a unique storyline and good performances while makes it an entertaining watch.
Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami is one of those films that you can watch over and over again.
Extraordinarily ordinary and proud of it, Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami reminds us of the important things in life in a highly consumerist world.
The film has a message told in an entertaining and satirical manner. It is a film about the confrontation between a father and son, the kind that we see in our day-to-day life. It is not a preachy film, it is a commercial film with its message wrapped in the garb of entertainment.