Go Goa Gone

Movie Info
Go Goa Gone is a Bollywood zombie comedy film directed by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K. The film features Saif Ali Khan, Kunal Khemu, Vir Das, Anand Tiwari and Puja Gupta. It is expected to release on 10 May 2013. The film has also been categorized as India's first "zom-com", drawing similarity with 2009 Hollywood film Zombieland.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Go Goa Gone Reviews
Fittingly, Bollywood's first zom com (zombie comedy) borrows broad brushstrokes from this very Hollywood genre, not the least of which are the zombies, with their blank eyes, staggering walk, and blood-spattered teeth. That the setting is Goa, whose beaches are over-run with unwashed, stringy-haired, glassy-eyed foreigners, helps. - See more at: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/movie-review-go-goa-gone/1114060/#sthash.J71eWKVK.dpuf
Post-interval, the film does a zombie on us — it becomes dead, lumbering and tedious.But the first part is absolutely crackling.
I would have liked some more fun-gore in the movie, but I guess I will have to make do with some non-zombie Telugu cinema for the time being.Please go watch this movie sans-kids, and you are in for somegenuine giggles. And of course, there is a promise-like for a sequel.
Pretty much the same could be said of the film as a whole – it’s crazy but cool. It gives you what you least expect and in ways that you least anticipate. That is a rare attribute for a Hindi film. I am going with three stars for Go Goa Gone.
Go Goa Gone is positively different from anything you seen before. And for the young and restless(tattooed, ring-pierced, rave-party enthusiasts) or even those who like whacked-out fun, it's a great ride. With easy performances from Kunal, Saif, Vir and Anand and the crackerjack dialogue, the film will keep you in splits for the most part.
Go Goa Gone is a drug that takes you on that high, but wears off soon enough before you start tripping.
Go Goa Gone is a must one time watch. Stomping off a naïve horror concept in India, borrowing from a hit Hollywood formula, it is an unabashedly crazy film with Vir Das and Kunal Khemu delivering super performances. Relegated into the premise, the film is an exuberantly hilarious laughter riot that shouldn’t be missed. Honestly, I haven’t laughed this much in a film since Delhi Belly. Take a break from all the morose things in life and catch this one, believe me there can’t be any regrets!
Go Goa Gone is your film if you like your humour with a dash of black. The sexy beaches of Goa will perhaps never be the same again on the Bollywood screen.
On the whole, GO GOA GONE is experimental since something like this has never been attempted earlier. But it's fun, witty, amusing and yes, thoroughly entertaining. The youngistaan is sure to love this mad, mad, mad ride!
Sure, the film gets repetitive after the interval, and sure, much of the humour is trite stoner jokes. But Go Goa Gone works as a result of its charming lunacy, and makes a great case for similar films in the days to come.
The directors of ‘Go Goa Gone’ understand that zombies are a completely foreign concept for many of us and have therefore infused the narrative with dollops of comedy to ensure that this unusual premise is made palatable for the average Hindi film buff.
Frivolous trash with some juvenile dialogues that will make you feel asinine. GO GOA GONE can easily be rated in the top two of the worst movies of the century.
The gory stuff may be less and the movie is not that scary but the directors have managed to take a genre totally alien to what is dished out to us and make it into something that we would love.
‘Go Goa Gone’ is a pleasant watch, and despite the innumerable scenes depicting flesh and gore, doesn’t leave one with an urge to vomit. The dialogues are witty and are mostly responsible for invoking a laugh. Sense, logic and sensibility be damned – go ‘keel dead peepal’!
Audience Reviews for Go Goa Gone
Go Goa Gone. Fresh concept for most Indian audience. Cool execution with easy performances. Kunal Khemu stands out among all. The movie never takes itself too seriously so neither should you. Rocking music and background score. The movie never loses its touch except in the climax. Nice Time-Pass.
0May 22, 13