Revolver Rani

Movie Info
Revolver Rani is a satirical and unusual love story set against the backdrop of politics. In the hostile territory of Chambal, the land of rebels, politicians, bullets and blood, you either live by the gun or die by the gun. Revolver Rani is set in this hostile world where there are no friends; only fragile alliances and deadly enemies that aim straight for the head. But sometimes you do not need to take lives to finish your enemies. Sometimes you just need to go for their heart. It’s about Alka Singh (Kangana Ranaut), the leader of a political party, and her obsessive love for Rohan Mehra (Vir Das), a rising star of Bollywood.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Revolver Rani Reviews
The Rani in ‘Queen’ won our hearts because she was believable every inch of the way. This Rani, who hefts revolvers and shoots to kill, is neither wholly a cartoon figure, nor completely credible. This confusion makes us stop suspending disbelief, and ‘Revolver Rani’ becomes a tiresome Bollywoodesque trudge through the Chambal, and its men and one woman posturing with guns, and the standard corrupt ‘netas’ and complicit cops.
If you like uplifting, cheerful cinema then this isn’t the movie for you. But if like me, you can enjoy bad people doing bad things, then Revolver Rani is fun.
Overall, if you are planning to watch Revolver Rani for Kangana, go ahead. If you are looking for a complete package, you can give it a miss.
For those still in the ‘Queen’ hangover, ‘Revolver Rani’ won’t be an easy pill to swallow. However, the film does manage to establish Kangna’s range as an actor. The transition from Rani to ‘Revolver Rani’ has not exactly been a seamless one, but full marks for the effort.
Revolver Rani could have been the movie of the year. It ended up as a confused film that can't decide who, or what it wants to concentrate on instead.
A Kangana Ranaut film seems to be increasingly acquiring the proportions of a genre unto itself. It needs neither saleable male co-stars nor the tried-and-tested conventions of Bollywood blockbusters. Revolver Rani may lack star power, but it has no dearth of firepower.
'Revolver Rani' is loaded with a lot more than just gunpower. You'll enjoy biting this bullet.
This would have been a great party if only it wasn’t so long. But one has to applaud Kangana Ranaut, who could give all the dacoits in B-Town a run for their loot, for another great performace. Vir Das is just about alright. Kangana delivers her acting chops, but this Rani may not be able to score over the Rani of Queen.
Forget about cashing in on Kangana success they couldn't even make a decent film!
Revolver Rani is a better than good film that is pulled back due to its hassle some screenplay and craggy editing. The film could have been way more meritorious with heightened drama and better action but suffering from the known second hour plague, the film loses focus squandering its potential in thin air. Kangana Ranaut however, doesn’t allow the film to waste away. Her enigma alone makes it quite an irresistible and scrummy watch.
Revolver Rani is a 'must watch' for the sake of rich and superior cinema. The story is tight and dialogues are crisp, director Sai Kabir shows mark of an experienced filmmaker.
Revolver Rani is not a compelling watch like Queen but Revolver Rani has got Kangana and she is pretty much why you should watch this film.
REVOLVER RANI has engaging moments, but they are few and far between. This being Kangna's immediate film release after the remarkable success of QUEEN may benefit the film to an extent.
There are a few nice bits like the shootout and the excited newsreader episode which allows you to indulge in a few laughs. But towards the end it all gets a bit too high handed and the plot is lost.The heroine’s character is interesting, I don’t think there are many dacoits who aspire to wear clothes from Paris and want to go to Italy as well.
Expectations from a Kangana Ranaut film, post ‘Queen’ are immense. Kangana does not disappoint and that’s why it is a pity that she is let down by a story that on paper must have held a lot of promise.
There’s a brief period in the second half where Vir Das is getting married on the loop to different women and it's truly hilarious. Pity then that the rest of the film is so bipolar in nature. Had Sai Kabir maintained the same vein of rhetoric throughout the film, this would've been a memorable adult, action comedy. Ironically it isn't.
Audience Reviews for Revolver Rani
After Bullett Raja(2013), here comes Revolver Rani. Kangana Ranaut is riding high after the grand success of Queen and she rightly follows it up with RR. And it sure is a treat to watch her from demure to daring. Chambal, dacoits, revolvers and bullets go hand in hand. There are no friends except that one has to kill the enemies to survive.
And politicians make their presence felt. Alka Singh (Kangana Ranaut), a trigger-happy killer politico has breathed violence and doesn't fear to shoot and kill. Alka has lost elections in Gwalior to Tomar party. And the Tomars are baying for her blood. But before killing her, they would like to hurt her. And what better way to do that than to kidnap her actor fantasy of a boyfriend Rohan Mehra (Vir Das).
They kidnap Rohan in Mumbai and bring him to Gwalior to kill him. But can Alka let that happen? She comes blazing at the scene of action and takes charge. From a fearless politician to a coy lover, who would turn a meek woman to be with her man; Kangana infuse life
in the role. She knows that from an uncouth, fire-brand gun-toting foul-mouthed witch she has to turn into a demure woman, who wants to attract her man. And she does it effortlessly. She only likes "phasion, gun and fun."
Alka loves her man and knows how to protect his life. The movie shows a role reversal, where woman protects her man. For she is deeply in love. So what if she is a politician! Before that and foremost, she is a woman. And love oozes out of her. The deadly Rani can make mincemeat out of her enemies, only to protect her love(r). This is all about guns, guts and glory. Kangana at her very best.
Ab Mard Ko Sar Dard Hoga! For Sure!6May 21, 15 -
Revolver Rani. 2014 shall be remembered as Kangana Ranaut's year. One month back she was seen effortlessly playing a nice, lovely and innocent Rani in Queen and now turning everything upside down she plays a psychotic dacoit cum politician Alka Singh and again very effortlessly. She strikes a fine balance between madness and vulnerability but unfortunately unlike Queen, Revolver Rani fails as a movie. Apart from Vir Das playing the selfish toy boy of Alka and Piyush Mishra playing no barred king maker uncle of Alka, other actors and their characters fail to impress you. First one hour of movie fails to strike any chord. Second half succeeds somewhat making you laugh by the hilarious sequence of Vir Das going into a loop of marriages and Kangana taking the charge when she chooses love over hate. Director Sai Kabir seems to be overly inspired by the work of Quentin Tarantino so he tries to put so much style in his bad world but does it without any subtleness. Music is so badly done that makes you cringe and absence of a strong villain in front of Kangana hurts the drama. I am going with generous 6 out of 10 for Revolver Rani. It's something fresh for world of Bollywood but apart from Kangana's fearless performance nothing there is quite right.
8April 27, 14