• Go in with modest expectations and perhaps you won’t be disappointed.

    The climax plays on interminably, and the film suffers on account of way too many songs. But there are little pleasures to be had – the consistently witty dialogue, Amit’s too-cool-to-be-true mom who speaks almost exclusively in abbreviations and emoticons, and his childhood pal who takes great pleasure in his sufferings.

  • Shubhra Gupta
    Shubhra Gupta
    Indian Express


    One man who can’t make up his mind between two women is classic brom-com, and there are some moments in here that come close to the real thing. But the story never really shakes off its tropes, and burst forth into its own. Das is an amiable actor, and is a good fit for the urban confused singleton, Tomatia’s ‘desi’ appeal as well as Nayar’s svelte swishness is used well, but overall, the film is drab.

  • The makers seem to have been inspired by several popular Hollywood romantic comedies and so, the film becomes predictable.

    Funny on the surface with faults in its execution, Amit Sahni Ki List should probably come with a warning that says ‘Burn after watching’.

  • Renuka Vyavahare
    Renuka Vyavahare
    Times Of India


    In spite of the smart comic punches, timing and earnest performances, the story lacks the ability to engage you thoroughly. A few scenes (Amit seeking relationship advice from his best friend) seem unfunny. Songs are pointless. Also, the story moves at a lethargic pace and it gets to you since you can predict the ending. Mismatch or Miss Right? Instead of waiting for that ‘perfect rom-com’, you can give this a try.

  • Tushar Joshi
    Tushar Joshi
    DNA India


    Likeable in parts, Amit Sahni makes a decent watch for those who don’t expect too much from their movies.

  • Amit Sahni Ki List isn’t exactly some excruciating film to endure but it doesn’t bloom enough to qualify as a crackling film. The director’s slapdash work is evident and that mortally harms the film. I am going with a 2/5. This Vir Das show isn’t exactly his best work.

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    Vir Das is best suited as a supporting actor, he can’t quite carry off a film on his own but Vega Tamotia shows some spark. Amit Sahni Ki List tries hard to achieve something but ends up being listless.

  • Aubrey D'souza
    Aubrey D'souza


    A movie about the quest for love. Sort of. In a way. Actually, a movie about the concept that love cannot be quantified but should be felt. In effect, this is a decent movie with the standard jokes and some really good ones. You will enjoy the moments when the fourth wall breaks. The insights are good and some are really funny. Virr Das does an enjoyable turn. The music, notably the soundtrack, make the movie come alive. Mala and Devika are a treat for the eyes. On the whole, Amit Sahni Ki List is worth a watch on the weekend, with your friends or your significant other.

  • I don’t like how the film was narrated or how they got to the conclusion or what specifically the conclusion was too. At the same time, story-wise I can’t quite tell what would’ve been a fairly reasonable change they could’ve made. Maybe even fluffy romcoms, while staying within the realm of exaggeration they are allowed, have started representing life all too well. Maybe that’s what doesn’t work about these films – they don’t take me to a fairyland and neither do they stay real enough for me to identify with them.

  • Rahul Desai
    Rahul Desai
    Mumbai Mirror


    Unfortunately, Amit Sahni is not a character I’d ever want to see succeed much like that customary rich friend that thrives on self-created drama. And structured around his contrived situation is a film like him–it strains hard to find conflict even when there is none, and ends up as more like an Ashton Kutcher romedy than a Julia Roberts romcom.