Avengers: Endgame Reviews and Ratings

And when it’s time to bid farewell to old friends, you’ll be fighting back tears. What more do you want from a film? Watch it on the largest screen you can find.
Infinity War didn’t wear me down in the way that Age of Ultron did, it didn’t give me the high of the first Avengers either. Like I said, manage expectations and you’ll be just fine.
Having laboured over setting up the final battle in Avengers: Infinity War, Directors Anthony and Joe Russo get their act together to give a proper, emotional, funny and, yes, even spectacular, send-off to a cast of characters we have come to know (and, mostly love) over 22 films and 10 years.
They’re insisting that this is the end, but it’s like Tony choosing pizza over cheeseburgers – we all know that’s never going to happen. The more movies they keep making, the more they’re going to dilute the impact of Endgame, But for fans who’ve been there from day one, it will be the satisfying conclusion they’ve been waiting for, and a love letter to the franchise they adore. The MCU, in this moment, has given us a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Cherish it. Hold it dear. Whatever it takes.
It’s a superhero film that really understands that compelling characters and strong emotions are both far more important than spectacle.
Avengers: Endgame is a three hour-long emotionally draining, exhilarating, electrifying goodbye.
Avengers: Endgame strikes emotional chords more frequently than superhero movies usually do. It is almost as if the passing away of the universe that this remarkable franchise has created and sustained over the past decade is leaving behind a massive void. Mercifully, we know that in endings lie many beginnings. If this is how magnificently one cycle has ended, there is every reason to hope that the ones that are in the works will be worth the wait.
‘Avengers: Endgame’ is a befitting tribute to the Cinematic Universe that has spawned larger-than-life superheroes and super fans. At three hours plus, ‘Endgame’ delivers on a lot of its hallmark promises, leaving its fans with a range of emotions and fond memories.
If you are not an MCU fan, it’s high time you become one and take a part in the beautiful journey of Infinity Saga.
We wish the Russo Brothers gave us a little more of Captain Marvel Brie Larson. Even in her limited screentime, Larson owns the scenes she is in. Take a bow, Russo brothers.
You laugh, and you cry. And that final Stan Lee cameo makes you realise that this was really, the Endgame.
All said and done, Endgame brings something with itself that you must not be ready to accept it. The fan inside in me cried, the critic inside in me cheered but the child inside in me left the cinema hall half-heartedly. It drains you emotionally! Go for it, if you can get the tickets anytime soon.
AVENGERS: ENDGAME is a fitting end to a journey that lasted over a decade. While the climax itself might leave viewers wanting more, the journey the film takes them on is an experience that will not be forgotten soon. A definite must watch roller coaster ride that will leave you speechless. At the box office, with shows running right through the night in some locations, and with an ardent fan following, AVENGERS: ENDGAME looks set to establish new box office records in India.
Much like Infinity War, Endgame won’t make much sense to anyone who hasn’t seen most or all of the 21 Marvel movies that came before it. It is more or less the second part of Infinity War (despite not being called Infinity War — Part 2), but those of us who have connected with these characters over the last decade and change were not looking for a standalone adventure. We wanted to see Marvel Studios successfully pull off a magic trick that has never been performed on the silver screen. Against overwhelming odds, the studio managed to do it.
Avengers: Endgame incorporates beloved elements from earlier outings while adding texture and complexity to the inter-galactic drama envisioned as homage to the never-say-die superhero spirit.
So drop everything and book your tickets for Avengers: Endgame, because this is a spectacle is tailor made for the biggest possible movie screens in your city. Whether or not your expectations are surpassed, there’s no denying the utter power of this movie event, and even though this is a conclusion of sorts, its final moments neatly promise a lot of interesting things in the years to come.
The razor sharp edits are flawless as they seamlessly blend motion capture frames with the computer generated images. The 3D effects and elaborate background score are bonus to the viewing experience.
Overall, this spectacular film would be a fans delight.
This is a movie you ought to watch with your friends. Discuss it after you’re done. It has changed the franchise forever. If you do go, go with as many people as you can. This film is best when shared. Even if you go alone, like I did, go in a full theatre. It’s the theatre experience that elevates this one. And please, for goodness sake don’t watch it on your phone when it comes online.
This is a movie you ought to watch with your friends. Discuss it after you’re done. It has changed the franchise forever. If you do go, go with as many people as you can. This film is best when shared. Even if you go alone, like I did, go in a full theatre. It’s the theatre experience that elevates this one. And please, for goodness sake don’t watch it on your phone when it comes online.
In the end, the movie comes together as a satisfying summation to over a decade of superhero storytelling from Marvel’s cinematic universe. It is packed with enough plot twists and turns to keep you riveted, enough glorious action to make you feel like you really got your money’s worth, and enough sentiment to keep you thinking about the film much after the credits have rolled.
Though it’s unlikely there are any, but even the uninitiated will appreciate Endgame. A hard-core fan, though, will most likely be overwhelmed with the constant onslaught of nostalgia.
‘Avengers: Endgame’ is the end of a saga that set into motion the rise of geekdom into the mainstream avenue. There will never be the likes of it again, all the bets that Kevin Feige and team took have paid off and now it’s time to rest.
Until ‘Far Home’, at least.
The movie reserves its firepower for a climactic display of pyrotechnics, and the visual effects showcase is a relief from the puffy eyes and forlorn speeches. Thanos may be inevitable, but what’s an Avengers movie without showboating?