Captain America: The Winter Soldier Reviews and Ratings

It delivers enough bang for your buck, and then some.
In keeping with Marvel tradition, there’s a steady stream of clever one-liners and witticisms, including Black Widow’s repeated teasing of our earnest superhero. But the film’s real strength is Chris Evans’ robust performance as Captain America, who finally emerges a fully realized character, worthy of his place in the Marvel universe.
All in all, this is a crackling ride — and one helluva Chevrolet commercial, it must be said.
It’s genuinely surprising, it’s just jingoistic enough to not hurt, it moves the Marvel cinematic universe forward a great deal, it has a solid ensemble cast, it has many an in-joke (Community fans who prefer Troy over Abed might learn that the biggest lesson is to stay in school) and it finally gives us a Captain America worth celebrating.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier has verve and nerve. It’s popcorn entertainment, in the best sense of the word, especially if you see the film in IMAX 3D like I did.
With the script no different from the dime a dozen superhero sagas and a host of mediocre lines, the film is a big budget entertainer with almost no recall value. It’s worth a watch, especially since it lets the viewer know that there is more to come, in terms of sequels. Will it hold on its own? Unless you’re a big Captain America fan, that’s a big No.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier does its best to be an out-of-the-box thriller, but eventually ends up feeling a bit factory manufactured and slightly lacking in that creative edge (which Chris Nolan’s Dark Knight series had the perfect dose of).
A must-watch for Marvel fans, Captain America has action-packed entertainment that may leave you thinking about the direction the world is heading in.
While Romanoff adds some playful sex appeal, Captain America is a lot more aggressive in this outing as he takes on the Winter Soldier (Stan) and increasingly uses his shield as an offensive weapon. Rogers might not have Batman’s toys, Tony Stark’s wisecracks or Superman’s strength, but he is the most ‘human’. This ranks among the finest in the super-hero genre.
Overall the film is by far one of Marvel’s best films, the cast delivers a strong and engaging performance and the movie will definitely be enjoyed by comic book fans and non-fans alike.
The chases and attacks are magnificent. The special effects make the film what it is, a magical experience. The Winter Soldier is an action-packed entertainer, indeed a must watch!
For those who were looking forward to this avenger, there is plenty to cheer about and if you are going to watch the film, make sure you wait till the absolute last credit has rolled.
The film is very good, and Marvel’s confidence proves it – they’re unwilling to move the release date of the third film, which coincides with the Batman-Superman movie. It’s Marvel vs DC, and after watching this movie, I can confirm that Marvel is winning. So bring it on.
Though the film has a few thoughtless plot holes that could excavate logical flaws, the director brothers, Anthony and Joe Russo have taken great pains to make this film distinct and far superior to the 2011 released, “Captain America: The First Avenger” or any other Marvel Franchises.
Overall, Captain America: The Winter Soldier would appeal only to Marvel Fans.
All things considered, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a wonderful addition to the Marvel franchise. It amplifies everything good about Captain America: The First Avenger and gets rid of the negative parts. The film combines the periodic element of its predecessor with a modern touch, making it one of the strongest films Marvel has released so far.
So while ‘The Winter Soldier’ succeeds as finely engineered merchandise built to be crowd-pleasing entertainment, for moviegoers and shareholder alike, it has a shelf life that won’t last much past its running time.
It’s hard to not have fun watching a film like Captain America: The Winter Soldier on a gigantic IMAX screen, which virtually transports you into the middle of the action. With a plot that attempts to be relevant – what with the current scenario of worldwide electronic espionage – and a neat little cast that has a few welcome additions to the previous film, it keeps you entertained for the most.
Easily one of the best movies to come out of Marvel, has enough humour and heart along with all the blockbuster elements that make you love a good superhero movie.