Dil Juunglee

Movie Info
Dil Juunglee revolves around the love and friendship shared between Sumit and Karol along with the big and small nuances of a relationship. By means of their relationship, the movie shows the ups and downs of love and friendship in the most fun, mad, and crazy ways.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Dil Juunglee Reviews
aapsee Pannu, who could have saved this creaky thing, is buried under a bad hairdo in the first half. By the time she gets all chic, post interval, it’s much too late. For her, and the film.
Dil Junglee is an age-old story, told with a hundred stereotypes, none of which helps it. It is only Taapsee’s charming presence and Saqib’s earthiness that keep us entertained. Taapsee looks authentic in both the avatars that she dons in the film. Saqib, too, provides ample support with his realistic portrayal of a middle-class Delhi boy. In fact, almost all the actors — Saqib’s mom, his friend, Taapsee’s friend and his fiancée — make the film lively.
Sure, most romantic comedies are predictable, unrealistic and corny, but some films are so bad, they’re actually good.
Dil Juunglee may reward his conceit for jumping into the water, but that won't wash his sins away or make suffering fools a love story.
Barring the earnest performances of the lead actors and the supporting cast, there’s absolutely nothing wild or memorable about Dil Juunglee. However, you can still watch it for how unintentionally dumb and hilarious the rich guys sound in this one. That’s the most successful and entertaining ‘deal’ here that leaves you in splits. Taapsee, Saqib and your Dil, deserve better.
It’s old wine in a new bottle, but watch it for Taapsee and Saqib’s refreshing chemistry.
All said and done, Dil Juunglee is one of those films you give someone a dare to watch. Sad for Saqib Saleem, Taapsee Pannu, and Nidhi Singh – they could’ve done so much better. Skip this one and thank me later!
Dil Junglee, a bit like Jab Harry Met Sejal, reminds one of how the huge potential of two talented actors was completely wasted because the filmmakers decided to stick to the same old formulaic and cheesy way of making a typical Bollywood ‘love’ story.
On the whole, Dil Juunglee will spell disaster at the box-office because it is devoid of entertainment or novelty.
If you manage to stay awake during the first half, which is wasted entirely in establishing the 'quirky-ness' of the characters, then you'll wonder if the second half is from another script altogether. But not even Taapsee Pannu's little chirpy gal turned corporate act nor Saqib Saleem's daft selfish lad in love act can save this film. When the two fall into the Thames (or is it the sea?), you wish they will never be rescued...
Dil Juunglee lacks the intensity, which could make it rise above the mundane. The actors are in good form but that is about it. If you want to kill time and see some gorgeous visuals of London, the film should suffice.
Overall, this film surrounded by almost no hype, is a pleasant surprise as it entertains you completely and keeps you riveted to the screen.
Disjointed, tackily put together with no sense of drama and direction, it will be difficult to top this one on the inanity stakes this year. Some films are so bad that they turn out good in a fun way. Dil Juunglee is so bad that it is horrifically bad.
Overall the movie is not that bad but too cliche for the audiences those seek newness.
The title is as irrelevant and devoid of sense as a Bengali name for a Marathi film. But then, we guess the filmmakers went as wild in choosing (!!) a title as they did in writing their “script” and making this “film” that endorses every kind of immaturity, imbecile thinking and skewed actions from youngsters.