Hawaa Hawaai

Movie Info
Hawaa Hawaai centres around Arjun Harishchand Waghmare (Partho Gupte) and his dream to skate. The film chronicles his coach Aniket Bhargava (Saqib Saleem) and Arjun's journey towards being a champion skater.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Hawaa Hawaai Reviews
A slim story told with heart, Hawaa Hawaai is among those rare films about the hard lives of impoverished kids that's never patronizing. Gupte deftly captures the innocence of children, and gives us some terrific moments that are genuinely moving. The occasional false notes notwithstanding, this is a movie that should be watched. I'm going with three out of five for Hawaa Hawaai. Strap up and zoom.
Partho is a natural. We saw that in his first film, the heart-warming ‘Stanley Ka Dabba’. He’s back tugging at our heartstrings, and it’s a pleasure to hear a young actor actually speaking his lines with such conviction. ‘Hawaa Hawaai’ has a big beating heart, but you wish it had been a better film: it trundles on, leaps up intermittently, but doesn’t fly.
Hawaa Hawaai is an earnest, important and evocative film. It's a well-textured and etched film, one refreshingly lacking in villains -- even the richest, chubbiest kid isn't a meanie -- and one that heartbreakingly but smilingly illustrates the disparity between the kids shown in the film and the kids who can afford to buy theatre tickets to watch this film.
While Hawaa Hawaai isn’t entirely satisfying, I still recommend that you see it. It is a timely reminder of the intractable horrors that children in this country face on a daily basis.
Amole Gupte's Hawaa Hawaai is not just the story of a skating champion, it's the story of a huge divide between rich and poor, and it is also the story of underprivileged kids who are told not to dream.If you liked Stanley Ka Dabba, you'll also like this.
When the story is predictable, a tight script and screenplay needs to take charge. Sadly, it doesn’t. The film’s undoing is the expectations it rides on. This one fails to be an Amole Gupte film.
Don't expect cheap thrills from Hawaa Hawaai. It proffers none. But if it is genuine entertainment that you are looking for, your search ends here.
HH's inspiring story is for children, for the child in all of us and for adults who need to wake up to dream again. Amol Gupte's story is soulful, heart-breaking and hopeful - moving you from tears to deep thought. He skillfully creates a portrait of the lives of deprived children - with profundity and playfulness.
Everyone who cribs that Bollywood doesn't attempt good films, must go see this.
It's a film that will touch your heart but it could have been much better had the focus been just the story. Looks like the emphasis is sometimes only on making you feel bad for the subject which, should come naturally and not be so in your face.
Hawaa Hawaai runs the risk of being compared to Gupte’s previous works but as a standalone it is without doubt one of the most brilliant works of recent times. Subtle and empowering with delectable performances of Saqib & Partho adding power to the film, here’s one ultimately satisfying movie that will win you over with its bittersweet and spirited work. I am going with a 3.5/5 recommending that you don’t miss this one.
The story-telling is fantastic, the acting a wonderful topping, and the music a wonderful final finish to the film. Make sure you watch this one, and it's not just for the kids, it's a must-watch for the adults too.
...a gem that shouldn't be missed. A wonderful creation with heartrending emotions, this one's inspirational and motivating. Strongly recommended!
A few dramatic moments notwithstanding, Haawa Hawaai is eminently worth a watch. Get, set, go!
The film is not flawless; yes, there are some clichés and some needless pandering to Muslim sentiments reminiscent of the movies of the 1970s. But I am willing to overlook those because this is a film with a heart.
All said and done, Hawaa Hawaai is a feature film. It isn’t the tautest piece of artistic cinema ever made. In fact, at times, its emotion heavy scenes seem a little too scripted. But you can’t deny the fact that this film has a solid heart of gold.