Ship of Theseus

Movie Info
Ship of Theseus is a 2013 Indian drama film written and directed by Anand Gandhi, and produced by actor Sohum Shah. The film explores "questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through the stories of an experimental photographer, an ailing monk and an enterprising stockbroker”; played by Aida El-Kashef, Neeraj Kabi and Sohum Shah. Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Ship of Theseus Reviews
It stimulates the one organ that popular Hindi cinema consistently ignores - the brain! Give it a chance and prepare to be dazzled.
It is by far the most original, the most poignantly realised, the most thought-provoking film that I have seen in longer than I care to remember.
Forget all the artsy-tartsy prejudices about Ship of Theseus. Here are three stories well told, signifying independent cinema’s coming of age.
Ship Of Theseus, no doubt, an intellectual exercise, the sort festival films often indulge in. Yet, the narrative is lucid, and the stories are simple and deeply moving.
Ship of Theseus is a sign of evolution in filmmaking, a work of art. I cannot award such artistry with mere stars. I can only hope it's a precedent not an exception and wish you go and watch it.
Ship of Theseus will never join the 100 crore-club. It was not made with that intention. But it has a right to stand on its own. I know there is an audience out there hungry for good new cinema. Ship of Theseus is the film they have been waiting for.
Doubtless, Ship Of Theseus is an extraordinary achievement. To miss it would be tantamount to missing one of the finest Indian films of recent times.
Gandhi's ruminative subject, catering to art-house cinema lovers (has won critical acclaim in international film festivals), is deeply layered and beautifully intricate. He doesn't compromise artistic depth for commerce, even for a moment, though the story-telling is not without flaws. The pace is exhaustingly slow and scenes monotonously long. This idea could be compressed into smaller 'lifeboats' and still sail safe. The monk's deeply profound story stands out.
SOT is a film that challenges your existing beliefs about everything – religion, the food you eat, the water you drink, your relationship with parents, friends, it subconsciously lets loose a series of stream of thoughts that run through your mind. Anand Gandhi scores in making each of these characters seem real. Nothing seems rehearsed, scripted or gimmicky.
Anand Gandhi’s Ship Of Theseus is a bold and challenging film, which presents to you an indulgent story with engaging characters using the art of symbolism. Spread out on the grand vision of experimental cinema, this is a film that will grow on you. Watch it if you have the appetite for Indie cinema. This is perhaps one of recent times’ most eloquent films that have come out of India!
This is a somber, meditative, profound and yet weightless work of unfettered beauty. A life-changing experience. No less. Anand Gandhi defines life's mysteries in mysterious ways, showing a command over his mammoth philosophical world that Mani Kaul and Jean-Luc Godard would have envied.
This is an incredibly ambitious film, a film that demands that its viewers remain present and thoughtful at all times. Anand Gandhi offers a magical, mystical voyage. At times, viewers might feel, well, all at sea, wondering where Gandhi is taking them, but the director ties his stories together in a way that is surprising and satisfying. Ship of Theseus is one of those rare things: an elegant film that demands that its audience be engaged at every moment.
Once in a while comes a film like this one, which along with shaking your core, also manages to make you grateful for being a humble part of the audience. 'Ship of Theseus' is one such rare film.
This is not only a good looking, splendidly directed, shot and acted film, but also a hopeful snapshot of Bombay producing intelligent, challenging yet entertaining cinema on a mainstream scale instead of star studded commercialized hogwash.
The audience for Ship of Theseus must enter the auditorium with a different set of criteria than what decides if a Bollywood film is a hit or miss. You’re expected to keep in mind that style can trump credibility, that this is director Anand Gandhi’s first film, and the focus is upon the intriguing idea that inspired it rather than the set of events that make up the plot of Ship of Theseus.
Anand Gandhi’s film should be strictly watched for three reasons: a) If you like challenging your intellect b) If you love art cinema c) If you want your eyes to absorb Pankaj Kumar’s spellbinding visuals.
Audience Reviews for Ship of Theseus
Anand Gandhi has had no filmmaking experience. In fact, he has in credit some Indian soap operas, and the sappiest ones. This is one of the primary reasons why I can't believe he has directed 'Ship of Theseus', a resonance making and relevant film which has no dearth of writing and emotions.
The title of the film alludes to Theseus’ paradox, most notably recorded in "Life of Theseus", wherein the Greek historian and philosopher Plutarch inquires whether a ship that has been restored by replacing all its parts remains the same ship.
The film follows three narratives: those of a photographer, a stockbroker and a monk, all on a journey of the depth which is called life. Never is the strength of the film based on its universal appeal, but that it caters to the eyes and mind at the same point of time is what makes it an effective, complete and questioning watch. The film, like its characters, has multiple identities, multiple sights and visions, and it celebrates why cinemas exist and when cinemas come to existence. The film itself embodies existence as an identity, which is always reflected in its thorough meanings which are subjective to the storytelling.
The film is, over all, a rich, satisfying experience. In my career as a critic, never have I seen a movie as full-bodied as Ship of Theseus. It is the grandeur of vision. Cinematographer Pankaj Kumar, filmmaker Gandhi and the Greek philosopher Plutarch himself are to be thanked. I am going with 5 out of 5 for 'ship of Theseus'. It is an entertaining film, a perfect watch.0September 19, 19 -
There are few movies around, for which you wish someone just read your mind and heart and understand what you felt like while watching them. Ship of Theseus is one such movie. I am writing this review after six months of watching it. I could not find right words to describe my experience at that time and even now I am struggling because this movie is just so original, magical, enlightening and in one word one hell good gem of cinema. Ship of Theseus leaves you with spellbinding effect with its visuals, characterization, dialogs, narrative, subtext and everything we know cinema for. Characters speak when they are supposed to be silent and go in silence when you expect them to argue but both times you are left with lots of food for thought. There are three distinct stories revolving around one common subject only joined in one absolutely surprising climax scene. All I can say that this one leaves a lasting impression on you, compel you to change your view about this world and help you to appreciate the gift called life.
0August 08, 13 -
Jennifer, daughter of a single mother after claiming the position of the best journalist in india sat down for a interview. During this interview she is confronted with reasons to what does she owe her success. Throughout conversation we get to know that it is just not her love for the profession but her past, her fears and much more than that which lead to India giving birth to such a powerful journalist.
Cast & Crew:
Abhishek Choudhary
Trevor Dcosta
Elisha Gras
Bryan Francis
Jennifer James
Kushagra Goel
Aaron Pereira
Ujjwal Chakraborty
Monish Meher
Aldrin Rego
Steve Rodrigo
Justin Enoch
Celine Fernandes
Devanshi Singh
Shubham Thorat
Pratik Lomte
Jyotsana Nair0November 11, 24