
Movie Info
Tamasha is an unusual fairy tale based in France, that unfolds the lives of a nomad and a tourist who gradually develop fondness for each other as they orchestrate tamashas all across the island.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Tamasha Reviews
Tamasha doesn’t come together satisfactorily, but it’s not for a lack of trying. There’s a lot to appreciate here, and more than a few moments that’ll break your heart.
I really liked a lot of the second half. There’s so much good stuff going on, including the pair which strays, and then journeys towards each other. Despite its flaws, this is Ali’s most complex story, teeming with ideas, and gives us Ranbir back again, along with the lovely Deepika, even if the plot keeps losing sight of her : there are tracts when she goes missing. Pity it peters out.
Tamasha could have been, but is certainly not, Imtiaz’s best - I found it better than Rockstar, but it is not as gripping as Highway. With Imtiaz’s intriguing take on love stories, scenic locations and brilliant acting by Ranbir and Deepika, it is a one-time watch, but nothing more.
Imtiaz Ali, in this film, creates a different world and makes you believe in it till the last shot of the film. The movie isn’t a conventional love story, but every emotion has been layered with justification that only Imtiaz could pull off successfully. This ‘Tamasha’ is definitely to be seen again and again. Going by the full house that came in to see the film for a 9 am show, Ranbir Kapoor had never lost any audience despite 3 flops in row.
Very briefly, we see an honest film and some three-dimensional characters. The dread in Imtiaz Ali’s Tamasha feels real. The silliness, however, comes across as too orchestrated.
Tamasha is at best a one-time watch because of the sparkle the leads lend to it. It could have been so much more.
Like the protagonists, all of us know what it is to be tied down and not do what our hearts long. But the route Tamasha takes is long-winded and plain boring at times. Deepika and Ranbir convey their angst and passion so convincingly that you're hooked. Except for the curiosity about them, the rest of the drama is `oh,never-mind'.
“Tamasha” is not an easy film to slot. Ali is obviously trying to push his boundaries and it doesn’t always work, but when it does, the result is breathtaking. For that alone, the film is worth a watch.
Watch Tamasha because it’s beyond the ordinary and for the fantastic screen chemistry of Ranbir and Deepika.
In all, Tamasha is vintage wine. There are inhibitions that keep you from falling head-over-heels in love with the film the first time you watch it. Once done away with the initial hesitation, Tamasha is an experience. Watch the film for, well, everything.
Tamasha is different but not perfect. Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone deliver fine performances, making this film a one-time watch!
...comes across as a colossal disappointment in spite of towering performances and chemistry between the lead stars. At the box-office, the film will find it difficult to sustain and negative word of mouth will further erode its business capacity to a great extent.
Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Tamasha’ plays out like a tamasha, it doesn’t try to follow a formula. But I guess Ali stopped playing to the gallery quite a while back. Will his narrative work with the larger audience? I am not sure. Did it work for me? Hell, yes, it did. No one understands a complicated heart better than Imtiaz Ali.
Imtiaz Ali makes good films. You could even call him the authority on love stories with a sufi flavour. But Tamasha doesn't quite make the cut. Not for Imtiaz, not for Ranbir and not for Deepika. Even the Mohit Chauhan and AR Rahman combination of music seems like a leftover from Rockstar. There was so much potential here. So much the team could've achieved. But in the end, despite some flashes of brilliance here and there, Tamasha turns out to be no show. Ironically, it has a story that tries to ward off mediocrity in everyday life, and yet the film only manages to evoke mixed reactions.
TAMASHA is entertaining and worth a watch. For Ranbir and Deepika fans, this is one helluva treat!
Like most of his films, it ultimately boils down to whether you buy his brand of movie romance, where journeys and conversations often turn out to be irreversibly life-changing. Tamasha isn’t perfect, but it has heart and a sincerity of intent that sets it apart from many other films we’ve seen this year.
Audience Reviews for Tamasha
Imtiaz Ali has always been one of my most favorite storytellers of all time. He laces love with the messages he tries to deliver. Above anything, he decides how his characters perform, and how moving or how ridiculous a frame might have to look. If we observe at a close, Ali has always been scrupulous, with a precise eye for details in the writing of the films, something which Bhansali does to his sets he does it with the emotional structuring of his characters. 'Tamasha' easily sets high bars with a lovely tale laced with storytelling and the art of doing so.
The meticulously driven tale has both storytelling and theater style entertainment. But interestingly, none of them overpower each other. And why would they, when here, the storytelling and the art of entertainment are soulmates! And romance has a key role to play, when, of course.
A well-made story about a girl and a storyteller who met in Corsica, this film started off as a theatre tale, kept its pace heavy in a mediocre love story and became an offbeat feel-good saga of delectable romance. Starring Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone as Ved and Tara, the film with it’s own vivid colours is amazing. Too bad it’s underrated despite its flavours. Imtiaz gets experimental and offers you layers of love stories for the price of one couple. He softly and avidly gives you a Bollywood version of passion, affection and adventurous strolls.
The film has a vivacious dazzle, but this never comes in the way of solidity in the ideas. The film's prowess lies in its never coming short of ideas. It is very long and sometimes, all of it feels overdone and manipulative. But it is never boring, and that's why I am giving it a 3.5 out of 5. Romance in the story indeed!
0September 19, 19 -
Among the high profile releases of the year, one of the most eagerly awaited was Imtiaz Ali's "Tamasha" which had hit the screens this week. With Ranbir Kapoor & Deepika Padukone cast as the lead pairs, the sense of anticipation was palpable among the audience considering their credentials & past history. The trailer promises it to be a rocking movie & seemed to be along the lines of "Yeh Jawaani Hai Diwaani". So does it deliver what it projects???
Tara (Deepika Padukone) had the worst start to her holidays when she loses her baggage the moment she set foot on the beautiful French island of Corsica. Luckily for her, she meets up with Ved (Ranbir Kapoor) who helps her out & within moments they hit off famously. However, the duo decide to withhold their true identities so as to avoid any emotional baggage later on. Though they part as planned with no questions asked, Tara couldn't stop thinking of Ved who had swept her off her feet. Four years down the lane, they meet yet again but will everything be same as before???
Imtiaz Ali brand of films have always been unique & exudes class be it "Jab We Met", "Rockstar" or his last release "Highway". In his latest venture, though the film does set off in a rollicking manner after a point of time it gets lethargic & doesnt seem to offer anything sprightly enough to keep the audience engaged. It would be fair to say that this is the most complex protagonist that Imtiaz had created who is weighed down by the inability to pursue his dreams but unfortunately for him the audience doesn't sympathize with his situation. In the technical department, Ravi Varman's visuals were awesome while A R Rahman's music didnt quite strike a chord with me.
Ranbir Kapoor hasn't been having the best of times with his last couple of releases being box office duds but there is no denying the sincerity that he invests in each character that he portrays. Even as Ved, he was fantastic exhibiting the myriad of emotions that the protagonist goes through. When it comes to the female lead, Deepika was brilliant & for me, she actually outshines Ranbir inspite of playing second fiddle to him. As for the rest of the cast, none of them really mattered.
Verdict: In all likelihood, the film should be able to garner a decent initial though how it fares depends solely on the multiplex audience. Unluckily for the makers, the film is unlikely to appeal to the audience which will hamper it's gross collections. In short, the lead pairs are fantastic but that doesn't quite salvage the movie!!!
Rating: 2.25/5
0September 18, 16 -
More Than A Love Story Tamasha Is A Coming Of Age Movie..A Self Discovery.2nd Half Is Decent, But 2nd Half Is Very Good.Characters Are Half Baked, Needed More Explanations.Ranbir Delivers His One Of The Best Performance
1May 01, 16 -
Its really conflicting to talk about this one. There are parts that I absolutely adore, but they preceded by an underwhelming first half!
3December 01, 15